At a Glance: Editing Paragraphs

Editing Paragraphs


Editing Paragraphs

  • What is the topic sentence of each paragraph? Is it stated or implied? Is the main idea of the paragraph clear? (8a)
  • Does the first sentence of each paragraph let readers know what that paragraph is about? Does the last sentence in some way conclude that paragraph’s discussion? If not, does it need to?
  • Within each paragraph, how does each sentence relate to the main idea? Revise or eliminate any that do not. (8a)
  • How completely does each paragraph develop its main idea? What details and images are included? Are they effective? Do any paragraphs need more detail? (8b)
  • What other methods of development might make the paragraph more effective? (8c)
  • Is each paragraph organized in a way that is easy to follow? Are sentences within each paragraph clearly linked? Do any of the transitions try to create links between ideas that do not really exist? (8e)
  • Are the paragraphs clearly linked? Do any links need to be added? Are any of the transitions from one paragraph to another artificial? (8e)
  • How does the introductory paragraph catch readers’ interest? How does the last paragraph draw the piece to a conclusion? (8f)