Part IV
Fairness and Game Theory
The central thrust of the first two chapters in Part IV is the fair division of divisible and indivisible objects. Whereas a cake or a parcel of land is divisible, the representatives who are apportioned to the different states are indivisible. Sometimes, however, seemingly indivisible objects, like a car, can be shared, rendering them divisible. By contrast, Chapter 15 focuses on what rational players will choose in different strategic situations, which may be highly unfair to some.
Chapter 13 describes fair-decision schemes in which a group of individuals with different values can be assured of each receiving what he or she views as a fair share when dividing objects like cakes or the goods in an estate.
Chapter 14 discusses the apportionment problem, which is to round a set of fractions to whole numbers while preserving their sum; of course, the sum of the original fractions must be a whole number to start. Apportionment problems occur when resources must be allocated in integer quantities—for instance, when legislators allocated seats in the U.S. House of Representatives to the 50 states.
Chapter 15 introduces the mathematical field called game theory, which describes situations involving two or more decision makers having different goals. Game theory provides a collection of models to assist in the analysis of conflict and cooperation as well as strategies for resolution. Interestingly, you will find that the games covered in this chapter provide us with insights into certain social paradoxes that we routinely encounter in our daily lives.