5.1 Thunderstorms

Distinguish among three types of thunderstorms and describe the weather associated with each.

Storm systems derive their energy from solar heating of Earth’s surface and the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere. In this section we discuss the most localized storm systems, thunderstorms. Subsequent sections examine more geographically extensive storm systems, hurricanes and midlatitude cyclones. Later in the chapter we will explore changes in the global climate system brought on by El Niño. There is a direct relationship between the size and the duration of these atmospheric systems, as Figure 5.2 shows.

Spatial and temporal relationships of atmospheric systems. At one end of the scale, single-cell thunderstorms are short-lived and occupy little geographic space. At the other end of the scale, El Niño (with its counterpart, La Niña), persists more than a year and has global effects.

Thunderstorms are cumulonimbus clouds that produce lightning and thunder. We explore thunderstorms as isolated systems here to understand how they function. It is important to keep in mind, however, that most thunderstorms do not occur in isolation. They are embedded within larger synoptic-scale systems, such as hurricanes and midlatitude cyclones.


A cumulonimbus cloud that produces lightning and thunder.

Each day, there are about 40,000 thunderstorms worldwide. At any given time, some 2,000 thunderstorms are in progress somewhere in the world. The southeastern United States, particularly Florida, has the highest frequency of thunderstorms in the country as a result of warm and moist air masses that move north from the Gulf of Mexico (Figure 5.3).

Thunderstorm frequency maps. (A) Lightning indicates thunderstorm activity. This lightning-flash frequency map shows the average annual number of lightning flashes for the period 1995–2002. About 70% of all thunderstorms occur over land in the tropics. (B) This map shows the average number of thunderstorm days each year in the United States. On average, more than 80 thunderstorm days occur in the orange and red areas of South Florida.
(A. NASA image by Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, based on data provided by the Global Hydrology and Climate Center Lightning Team; B. Data from National Weather Service)
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Air masses are necessary components of many meteorological processes, particularly thunderstorms. An air mass is a large region of air, extending over thousands of kilometers, that is uniform in temperature and humidity. When air remains over a region for weeks or longer, it absorbs the characteristics of that region. For example, air over a warm desert will become warm and dry. Air over a warm ocean will become warm and humid.

air mass

A large region of air that is uniform in temperature and humidity.

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Air mass types are referred to using abbreviations. Humidity characteristics come first, followed by temperature characteristics (Figure 5.4). For example, “mT” refers to a maritime-tropical air mass, meaning that it formed over an ocean in the tropics and is humid and warm. An mT air mass is essential for thunderstorm development.

Air mass types and source regions. Much of the United States receives several different air mass types from surrounding source regions.

There are three types of thunderstorms: single-cell thunderstorms, multicell thunderstorms, and supercell thunderstorms. The two most important factors that determine thunderstorm type are atmospheric humidity and wind shear (changes in wind speed and direction with altitude).

wind shear

Changes in wind speed and direction with altitude.

Single-Cell Thunderstorms

Single-cell thunderstorms are almost always relatively mild, short-lived thunderstorms that last up to an hour. They form within mT air masses where wind shear is weak. They develop in the late afternoon as unequal heating of the ground creates unstable air parcels (see Section 3.3). As these air parcels rise, they cool to the dew point, which results in condensation and cumulonimbus cloud formation. Single-cell thunderstorms typically experience a predictable sequence of growth, maturation, and dissipation (Figure 5.5).

single-cell thunderstorm

A type of thunderstorm that is short-lived and rarely severe.

GEO-GRAPHIC: The three stages of a single-cell thunderstorm.

Multicell Thunderstorms

Multicell thunderstorms form under conditions of moderate wind shear with wind speeds of about 40 to 65 km/h or 23 to 40 mph. These mesoscale systems consist of thunderstorm cells organized in long lines or clusters. Multicell thunderstorms often produce severe weather. They differ from single-cell thunderstorms in that they persist longer and form mainly along boundaries between air masses (called fronts) rather than within air masses.

multicell thunderstorm

A type of thunderstorm that forms under conditions of moderate wind shear, is organized in squall lines or clusters, and often produces severe weather.

Multicell thunderstorms are sometimes severe and typically last several hours. A severe thunderstorm is defined as one that produces either hail 2.54 cm (1 in) in diameter, a tornado, or wind gusts of 93 km/h (58 mph) or greater. Only about 10% (10,000) of the 100,000 thunderstorms that form in the United States each year are classified as severe.

severe thunderstorm

A thunderstorm that produces eitherhail sized 2.54 cm (1 in) in diameter, a tornado, or wind gusts of 93 km/h (58 mph) or greater.

Individual cells within a multicell thunderstorm persist for only about an hour (like single-cell thunderstorms), but as a whole, the system persists for many hours. Multicell thunderstorm systems are arranged in clusters called mesoscale convective systems or linearly in squall lines. A squall line is a line of multicell thunderstorm cells that typically forms along a cold front on a midlatitude cyclone (see Section 5.4). Squall lines can extend for hundreds of kilometers, persist for hours, and bring severe weather (Figure 5.6).

squall line

A line of multicell thunderstorm cells that typically forms along a cold front.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Anatomy of a squall line. (A) This image shows a cross-section of a multicell thunderstorm organized along a squall line. The inset figure shows the squall line in a top view. The movement of the system is from left to right. As the system moves forward, warm air rising over the gust front gives rise to new cells (labeled Cell A and Cell B). Over the course of about 30 minutes, these cells will grow and replace cell C. A derecho originating from the downdrafts can be as damaging as hurricane or tornado winds. (B) This squall line moved over Washington, D.C., on July 25, 2010. It did significant damage to trees and power lines, causing extensive power outages.
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Supercell Thunderstorms

The least common but most powerful thunderstorm type is the supercell thunderstorm, which contains a rotating cylindrical updraft. Supercell thunderstorms usually produce severe weather. Almost all powerful tornadoes are produced by supercell thunderstorms.

supercell thunderstorm

A thunderstorm with a rotating cylindrical updraft that usually produces severe weather.

Question 5.1

Why do some thunderstorms rotate?

Wind shear sometimes causes updrafts in thunderstorms to rotate.

Supercell thunderstorms form over land where there is humid air and strong wind shear. These conditions frequently occur in spring in North America over the southern Great Plains in Kansas and Oklahoma. The term supercell refers to the thunderstorm as a whole, and the term mesocyclone refers to the rotating cylindrical updraft within the supercell. Figure 5.7 outlines how a mesocyclone develops within a thunderstorm.


The rotating cylindrical updraft within a supercell thunderstorm.

Supercell thunderstorm formation. (A) A mesocyclone forms when a horizontal cylinder of rotating air is tilted vertically by strong updrafts. (B) The rounded striations (lines) seen here indicate rotation in a supercell thunderstorm. This supercell was photographed near Kadoka, South Dakota.
(B. © Mike Hollingshead/Corbis)
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