Explain how hurricanes develop, where they occur, and what makes them dangerous.
The fastest wind ever officially recorded was produced by the release of latent heat in tropical cyclone Olivia. The storm produced a wind gust of 408 km/h (253 mph), measured on April 10, 1996, on Barrow Island, Australia.
Hurricane is the North American name for a tropical cyclone with sustained winds of 119 km/h (74 mph) or greater. Hurricanes are capable of producing meters of rainfall, heavy flooding, and damaging high winds. A single storm can devastate extensive coastal regions and cause hundreds of thousands of fatalities. To make matters worse, tornadoes often form in the severe thunderstorms that precede hurricanes.
The North American name for a tropical cyclone with sustained winds of 119 km/h (74 mph) or greater.
What does the word hurricane mean?
Hurricane means “god of storms” in the Taino language.
The word hurricane is derived from Huracán/Juracán, meaning “god of storms” in the Taino language of the Lesser Antilles islands in the Caribbean Sea. Hurricanes are deep low-
A tropical cyclonic storm with sustained winds of 119 km/h (74 mph) or greater.
Tropical cyclones go by many names depending on the geographic region in which they occur. North America and Central America use hurricane, southeastern Asia uses typhoon, and countries bordering the Indian Ocean use cyclone, except Australia, which uses tropical cyclone.
A name used for tropical cyclones in Southeast Asia.
In addition, individual tropical cyclones are given identifying names, such as Hurricane Sandy or Typhoon Jelawat (which means “carp”). Naming systems are different for each of the ocean basins where tropical cyclones occur. Atlantic Ocean hurricanes are named according to an alphabetical list of common first names in English, French, and Spanish. The names of destructive hurricanes, like Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Katrina, are taken off the list and replaced by other names starting with the same letter. The names of Pacific typhoons west of the 180th meridian describe a range of phenomena, including food, star constellations, plants, and wildlife.
Hurricane winds are among the fastest and most sustained on the planet. Air rapidly flows in toward the low-
Like that of a thunderstorm, the strength of a hurricane depends on how much water vapor condenses to liquid. Condensation is important because it releases latent heat into the storm (see Section 3.1). As the rotating airflow grows faster, it pulls in more moisture, which releases latent heat and further strengthens the storm, creating a positive feedback (Figure 5.17).
The latent heat positive feedback in hurricanes results in high winds and, sometimes, extraordinary amounts of precipitation. Rainfall amounts, however, are more often a function of the hurricane’s forward speed than its strength. Cyclone Gamede moved slowly over the island of Réunion in the Indian Ocean in 2007. The storm brought 3.93 m (12.9 ft) of rain in a three-
We learned in Section 4.3 that the trade winds of the tropics flow from east to west. As these winds flow across northern Africa, they develop ripples called tropical waves. Some tropical waves are generated by the Ethiopian Highlands in eastern Africa and the Atlas Mountains of northwestern Africa. Land-
A tropical cyclonic storm with sustained winds between 63 and 118 km/h (39 to 73 mph).
Once a hurricane has formed, it may strengthen if conditions are favorable. Meteorologists use the Saffir-
A hurricane ranking system based on measured wind speeds.
For a hurricane to persist and strengthen, it must have an ample supply of warm seawater that readily evaporates. Warm seawater is the main fuel for hurricanes. Generally, water temperature must be about 26°C (80°F). Cooler water reduces the moisture supply to hurricanes because it does not evaporate as quickly. The high waves stirred up by the storm will mix deeper, cooler seawater with the surface water, so the warm water must extend to about 60 m (200 ft) in depth. There must also be little to no wind shear, which tears hurricanes apart.
As hurricanes approach populated areas, meteorologists monitor them closely to forecast where they will make landfall and how strong they will be when they do (Figure 5.19).
Subtropical highs guide hurricanes in all ocean basins. Where hurricanes make landfall (move onshore) in the eastern United States (assuming they do make landfall) depends on the steering influence of the Bermuda high, which is part of the subtropical high-
Hurricanes present two basic hazards: flooding and sustained high winds. Hurricanes bring two types of flooding, inland flooding from rivers over-
Coastal flooding is the most dangerous aspect of hurricanes. The strong winds and low atmospheric pressure of a hurricane cause a rise in sea level called a storm surge (Figure 5.21). Low-
A rise in sea level caused by the strong winds and low atmospheric pressure of a hurricane.
High winds do not cause as many human fatalities as flooding, but if people are caught outside in high winds, they are at risk of being struck by flying debris. High winds also cause much property damage.
1 |
500,000 |
West Bengal/Bangladesh |
1970 |
2 |
300,000 |
Hooghly River,Bengal, India |
1737 |
3 |
300,000 |
Haiphong, Vietnam |
1881 |
4 |
300,000 |
Coringa, southern India |
1839 |
5 |
200,000 |
Bengal |
1584 or 1582 |
6 |
200,000 |
China |
1975 |
7 |
200,000 |
Calcutta, Bengal, India |
1876 |
8 |
140,000 |
Burma |
2008 |
9 |
140,000 |
Bangladesh |
1991 |
10 |
100,000 |
Arabian Sea, western India |
1882 |
Inland flooding from hurricanes does sometimes cause considerable loss of life. For instance, Hurricane Mitch struck Honduras and Nicaragua in 1998 and caused rivers there to overflow their banks and cut into steep cliff faces. This created a dangerous mix of mudslides and flooding. In all, some 11,000 people died in that storm as a result of inland flooding, and 1.5 million people were left homeless.
Worldwide, hurricanes are the main meteorological killer. The losses of life they inflict can be staggering (Table 5.3). With satellite technology, hurricanes can no longer catch us by surprise, but this fact does not always prevent the loss of human lives. Some particularly deadly hurricanes have occurred in recent times. The most recent devastating hurricane was in 2008 in Burma.
All but two of the disasters listed in Table 5.3 occurred in countries bordering the Indian Ocean. Burma, Bangladesh, and India have suffered the greatest losses of life. Presumably, such large death tolls could have been avoided by getting people out of harm’s way. Yet large populations live at sea level near the coast where there is no high ground. Dire poverty also makes it impossible to evacuate everyone.
As Table 5.4 shows, the United States also experiences deadly hurricanes, but loss of life is far less there because of better warning systems and better ability to evacuate people in coastal areas to higher ground.
Hurricane Katrina occurred in recent times, yet caused the third most fatalities. New Orleans lies in a topographic bowl that is below sea level and easily flooded. When the hurricane struck the city, some of the protective walls surrounding it failed, and much of the bowl filled with water. Poverty and inability or unwillingness to evacuate were also important factors in that disaster. The Geographic Perspectives at the end of this chapter explores the threat posed to New Orleans and other U.S. cities by hurricanes.
1 |
8,000 |
Galveston, Texas |
1900 |
2 |
2,500 |
Lake Okeechobee, Florida |
1928 |
3 |
1,836 |
Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans |
2005 |
4 |
1,800– |
Louisiana and Mississippi |
1893 |
5 |
1,000– |
South Carolina and Georgia |
1893 |
6 |
700 |
Georgia and South Carolina |
1881 |
7 |
638 |
New England |
1938 |
8 |
600 |
Florida |
1919 |
9 |
500 |
Georgia and South Carolina |
1804 |
10 |
450 |
Corpus Christi, Texas |
1919 |