CHAPTER 6 Critical-Thinking Questions

CHAPTER 6 Critical-Thinking Questions

Question 6.59

1. What differences and what similarities can you think of between the Greenland Norse and modern societies in the context of vulnerability to climate change?

Question 6.60

2. Has reading this chapter altered your view on climate change? Explain.

Question 6.61

3. Do you or anyone you know (such as your parents or grandparents) have personal anecdotal information and experiences (such as stories or memories) about climate change?

Question 6.62

4. The topic of climate change has been politically controversial. Why do you think that is? What views might people with different interests take on this topic?

Question 6.63

5. Read through Table 6.3 again. Do you find these individual approaches to addressing climate change agreeable or disagreeable? Specifically, do you think altering one’s diet or plane travel is a reasonable response to the problem? Explain.