16.2 Downcutting by Streams: Fluvial Erosion

Explain how streams evolve through time as they erode Earth’s surface.

Flowing water is the most important and widespread agent of erosion on Earth. Without the Sun’s energy, fluvial erosion would not exist. As we have seen, the Sun provides heat energy to evaporate water and lift it into the atmosphere. The force of gravity is important as well: Water that condenses in the atmosphere falls to Earth as precipitation, and Earth’s gravitational field pulls that water downslope. The kinetic energy of the stream’s flowing water works to cut downward into Earth’s surface (a process called downcutting) and transport rock fragments downslope toward the oceans.

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As water flows back to the oceans, it forms stream channels. The force of water tumbles rocks in the channel and breaks them apart physically. At the same time, chemical weathering dissolves minerals in the rocks. Streams transport this broken and dissolved material downstream in the process of fluvial erosion (erosion by running water; from the Latin word fluvius, which means “river”).

fluvial erosion

Erosion by running water.

Fluvial erosion begins as rain falls on the ground. Some of the rainwater flows into and through the ground, where it contributes to soil moisture and groundwater. Where the ground surface is sloped, rainwater flows downslope in thin sheets called sheet wash.

As rainwater collects in low-lying areas, it begins to form shallow channels. Newly forming stream channels are called rills. Rills develop into gullies as they deepen. The flat areas between stream channels, where sheet wash occurs, are called interfluves. Stream channels are always lower than the interfluves.

As the amount of water and the speed of flow in a stream channel increase, the stream gains more energy to do the work of carrying soil particles and rock fragments downslope. Figure 16.10 illustrates the process of headward erosion, by which a stream channel lengthens upslope through time, forming new rills and gullies by fluvial erosion. The spatial scale of headward erosion ranges from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers or more, and its time scale varies from weeks to thousands of years or longer, depending on the geographic setting, geology, and climate.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Headward erosion. (A) Headward erosion begins as rainwater collects in low-lying areas to form rills and gullies. (B) The process of headward erosion is visible in this photo of the Namib Desert in Namibia. Note the gemsbok in the top center for scale.
(B. © Pete McBride/National Geographic Image Collection/Alamy)


Headward erosion

headward erosion

The process by which a stream channel migrates upslope by forming new rills through fluvial erosion.

The Volume of Water: Stream Discharge

Stream discharge is the volume of water flowing past a fixed point within a stream channel. It is expressed in cubic meters per second (m3/s) or cubic feet per second (ft3/s). Discharge can be visualized as the number of 1 m (or 1 ft) cubes passing beneath a bridge every second. Discharge is often recorded on a stream hydrograph (see Figure 16.11).

stream discharge

The volume of water flowing past a fixed point within a stream channel; expressed in cubic meters or cubic feet per second.

Urbanization affects stream discharge. This stream hydrograph shows discharge in cubic feet per second for two streams of similar size in western Washington State from January 30 to February 7, 2000. On February 1, rainfall from a storm increased the discharge for both streams. Mercer Creek is in a paved, urbanized area near Bellevue, Washington. Its discharge peaked higher and faster than that of Newaukum Creek, which is in an undeveloped area.
(Source: USGS Fact Sheet 076-03.)

Discharge is important because the more water is flowing through a stream channel, and the faster that water is flowing, the more energy the stream has to erode Earth’s surface. The discharge of a stream is influenced mainly by climate, stream order, season, and surface permeability (Table 16.1).

Table : TABLE 16.1 AT A GLANCE: Stream Discharge Factors

1. Climate: Streams in wet regions have greater discharge than streams in arid regions.

2. Stream order: First-order streams are often intermittent or have little discharge, even in the wettest of climates.

3. Season: Streams experience peak flow periods that depend on the timing of precipitation or snowmelt. Heavy rainfall can increase stream discharge by several hundred times.

4. Surface permeability: Permeable soil and rock allow water to infiltrate the ground rather than flow over it in a stream channel. Greater permeability reduces surface stream discharge.

Urbanization changes the permeability of the ground surface and therefore the discharge of streams. Paved surfaces are impermeable, and water flows from them quickly into nearby streams, rather than infiltrating the ground. As a result, streams in urbanized areas experience sudden spikes in discharge during heavy precipitation events, and discharge drops quickly after storms. Figure 16.11 compares the discharge of an urbanized stream with that of a stream in a rural location.

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In calculations, stream discharge is symbolized by Q. Discharge is measured by multiplying the stream channel area (A) by the speed of water flow, or velocity (v): Q = A · v. Stream channel area is calculated by multiplying channel width by channel depth. The calculation of stream discharge takes into account the variations in flow velocity, stream channel area, and river height that are unique to each stream (Figure 16.12).

SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: How is stream discharge calculated? Calculating the discharge of streams is important for a number of applications, including water conservation, determination of water allocations among different regions and groups, and flood control.
(U.S. Geological Survey)

The Amazon River has the highest average discharge in the world, about 200,000 m3/s, or 7 million ft3/s. The Amazon’s flow constitutes nearly 20% of the world’s total discharge by rivers into the oceans. Crunch the Numbers compares the flow of North America’s largest river (in terms of discharge), the Mississippi River, with that of the Amazon River.

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculating Stream Discharge

CRUNCH THE NUMBERS: Calculating Stream Discharge

Using the discharge equation Q = A · v, calculate the average discharge for the Amazon River and the Mississippi River. Give your answer in cubic meters per second.

Question 16.5

Problem 1: At a given location, the Mississippi River is 1,670 m wide and an average of 12 m deep, with an average flow velocity of 0.91 m/s. What is the discharge for the Mississippi River at that location?

Question 16.6

Problem 2: At a given location, the Amazon River is 15,200 m wide and an average of 15 m deep, with an average flow velocity of 1 m/s. What is the discharge for the Amazon River at that location?

Question 16.7

Problem 3: Approximately how many Mississippi Rivers would fit into the Amazon River? To calculate this answer, divide the Amazon discharge by the Mississippi discharge.

The Work of Water: Stream Load

The force of flowing water, called hydraulic action, frees rock fragments and sets them in motion. The size of those fragments may range from tiny grains of sand and silt to large boulders.

Question 16.8

Why are river rocks rounded?

River rocks are rounded by abrasion. As rocks move in a streambed, they grind against one another and are sanded smooth and round.

Stream abrasion rounds and polishes rocks in a stream. Abrasion is the process by which movement of one material wears away another material. The continual tumbling of rocks in a streambed wears away other rocks and the channel bedrock (Figure 16.13). Heavy rocks and boulders in a stream channel move only with high flows, however, such as those that follow heavy rains or snowmelt.


The process by which movement of one material wears away another material.

Stream abrasion. The greatest discharge in streams draining the Himalayas occurs between May and September with the onset of the summer snowmelt season and warm monsoon rains. Stream abrasion, which rounds the rocks in the stream, occurs mostly during these peak flows. This photo was taken in July near Dharamsala, India, located in the foothills of the Himalayas.
(© Roopaushree)

The material that moves within a stream channel is called the stream load. The size of the particles that move within a stream is directly related to stream discharge and flow velocity. There are three kinds of stream loads:

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Variation in suspended loads. This photo shows the confluence of the Drava and Danube rivers near Osijek, Croatia. Arrows show the direction of flow. The Drava River has a comparatively low suspended load and thus runs clear compared with the Danube River.
(© Mario Romulić)
  1. The dissolved load consists of soluble minerals that are carried in solution by a stream.

  2. The suspended load consists of small particles of clay and silt that are light enough to remain suspended by turbulence (mixing) in the flowing water. The suspended load gives some streams their muddy appearance (Figure 16.14).

  3. A stream’s bed load is the moving material in a stream channel (ranging from small sand grains to gravel, cobbles, and large boulders) that is too heavy to become suspended in the current. Sand grains are moved along in a bouncing or hopping motion called saltation. Larger rocks are moved by a dragging or tumbling motion called traction. Traction sufficient to move large rocks occurs only during peak flow periods. Figure 16.15 illustrates the three types of stream loads.

dissolved load

Soluble minerals that are carried in solution by a stream.

suspended load

Small particles such as clay and silt that remain suspended in flowing water or wind.

bed load

Material in a stream channel such as sand, gravel, and rocks that is too heavy to become suspended in the current.


A bouncing or hopping motion of sediment in moving water (or air).


The dragging and tumbling of large rocks in a stream channel.

Three types of stream loads.

Geomorphologists refer to the size of fragments a stream can transport as stream competence. Streams that can transport large fragments, such as boulders, have high stream competence. Stream capacity refers to the total amount of material (of all sizes) that a stream can transport. During periods of peak discharge, when the stream has more kinetic energy, stream capacity and competence increase.

Stream Grading and Stream Gradient

Streams are referred to as graded if sediment transport within the stream equals the rate of sediment input from around the stream. In other words, in a graded stream, the channel is neither accruing nor losing sediments. Along the length of a graded stream, there is a dynamic equilibrium (or balance) between erosion, transportation, and deposition of sediments within the stream channel. A fully graded stream would have a smooth longitudinal profile like the one shown in Figure 16.16. Few streams, however, have such smoothly graded profiles because of the different rock types, geologic activity, and climates within any given drainage basin.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Stream grading and stream gradient.
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Similarly, stream gradient refers to the drop in elevation of the stream channel in the downstream direction. High-gradient streams drop quickly in elevation, and low-gradient streams are almost flat.

Carving Valleys and Canyons

Base level is the lowest level a stream can reach, usually sea level. A stream can erode Earth’s surface only where it is above base level. The higher a stream is above base level, the more energy it will have to erode the land surface. At base level, a stream becomes standing water, loses its capacity and competence, and drops the sediments it is carrying.

base level

The lowest level a stream can reach, usually sea level; a stream becomes standing water at base level.

The rate of stream downcutting and the resulting topography depend on the stream’s elevation above base level, stream discharge, flow velocity, and the hardness and structure of the bedrock the stream is cutting through. Harder rocks such as metamorphic rocks are more resistant to downcutting than softer rocks such as sandstone. Most streams cut V-shaped valleys in their headwaters, but this is not always the case, as shown in Figure 16.17.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Types of valleys and canyons.
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Points of Resistance: Knickpoints

Knickpoints are locations where there is an abrupt increase in stream gradient over a short distance. All waterfalls, for example, form at knickpoints. They often form where a layer of rock that is resistant to erosion overlies a relatively weak and soft layer of rock. The resistant layer of rock creates an escarpment, a long cliff face or steep slope, over which the water flows. As the stream spills over the lip of the resistant rock layer, it may form a bowl at the base of the waterfall, called a plunge pool. Plunge pools are created by abrasion caused by rocks circulating at the base of the waterfall. Eventually, a plunge pool can undercut the support of the resistant layer above, causing it to collapse. As a result, the knickpoint migrates upstream. This process is illustrated in Figure 16.18.


A location where there is an abrupt increase in stream gradient over a short distance.


A long cliff face or steep slope.

plunge pool

A bowl at the base of a waterfall created by abrasion from circulating rocks.

Niagara Falls knickpoint. (A) A waterfall migrates upstream when the more resistant lip of rock that forms it is undercut and collapses into the plunge pool. (B) Niagara Falls, on the United States–Canada border, is one of the best-known waterfalls in the world. Niagara Falls consists of three waterfalls. The largest is Horseshoe Falls in Canada; American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls are in the United States. The Niagara knickpoint has retreated upstream (south) by almost 11 km (7 mi) during the last 10,000 years.
(B. © Oleksiy Maksymenko/All Canada Photos/Getty Images)

Lifting Streams: Stream Rejuvenation

Stream rejuvenation is a process in which a stream gains downcutting energy as its base level is lowered relative to its drainage basin. Stream rejuvenation is usually a consequence of geologic uplift, but lowered global sea level can also cause stream rejuvenation.

stream rejuvenation

A process by which a stream gains downcutting energy as its base level is lowered relative to its drainage basin.

The higher above its base level a stream lies, the more it will cut into the sediments and bedrock beneath it. Eventually, barring further geologic uplift, the stream will return to its original gradient through weathering, mass wasting, erosion, and deposition (Figure 16.19).

GEO-GRAPHIC: Stream rejuvenation.
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As we will see in Section 16.3, a stream that flows across a flat floodplain may form looping bends called meanders. If geologic uplift creates a level plateau, rather than a slope, stream meanders may be preserved as entrenched meanders as the stream erodes the plateau (Figure 16.20). Entrenched meanders are found throughout the southwestern United States, where geologic uplift raised what was a large, flat floodplain and shallow sea to form today’s Colorado Plateau. The uplift took place gradually and was slightly inclined toward the southwest.

Entrenched meanders. (A) Entrenched meander development requires geologic uplift. (B) The San Juan River in Utah has superb examples of entrenched meanders. These meanders formed long ago on a flat floodplain and were preserved as they cut through sedimentary rocks. This photo was taken at Goosenecks State Park in Utah, whose name refers to the similarity between the meanders and the curve of a goose’s neck.
(B. © Wild Horizon/UIG/Getty Images)

Stream rejuvenation may also result in stream terraces where rivers flow through floodplains. A rejuvenated stream can cut down into the floodplain sediments through headward erosion, creating stepped terraces (Figure 16.21).

GEO-GRAPHIC: Formation of stream terraces. (A) Stream terraces form as a region is uplifted and a stream cuts into the sediments that have been deposited on a floodplain. (B) Cave Stream, in the Canterbury region of South Island, New Zealand, has cut into floodplain sediments, forming two terraces.
(B. © G.R. “Dick” Roberts/Natural Sciences Image Library)

Antecedent and Superimposed Streams

Antecedent streams are streams that cut through bedrock ridges rather than flowing around them. Geologic uplift may allow a preexisting stream to cut through resistant ridges of rock as they are slowly lifted. If the rate of uplift and erosion is gradual, the stream can cut into the underlying ridge of bedrock while maintaining its original drainage pattern, resulting in a water gap (Figure 16.22). A water gap is a place where a stream has cut through a resistant ridge of rock.

Antecedent stream water gap. (A) Antecedent streams cut through uplifting rocks. (B) Three hundred million years ago, the MacDonnell Ranges in central Australia were uplifted. This stream cut into them as they rose, forming this water gap, called Simpsons Gap.
(B. © G.R. “Dick” Roberts/Natural Sciences Image Library)

Superimposed streams are like antecedent streams in that they cut through resistant layers of rock and form water gaps. In the case of superimposed streams, however, the land surface is lowered through fluvial erosion rather than being lifted through tectonic forces.

Distinguishing a water gap caused by antecedence from one caused by superimposition is not possible with only a quick glance at the surface. The tectonic and erosional history of a region must be known before determining how the water gap formed. In some cases, streams with water gaps no longer flow in their former channels. When that occurs, a wind gap results.

Stream Piracy

Stream piracy is the diversion of one stream into another as headward erosion merges the two streams. When a stream’s tributaries migrate upslope and cut through the drainage divide of another drainage basin, streams within that drainage basin can be diverted into the new stream channel, as illustrated in Figure 16.23.

stream piracy

The diversion of one stream into another as headward erosion merges the two streams.

Stream piracy. Stream piracy results in stream channel abandonment.
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