16.3 Building by Streams: Fluvial Deposition

Discuss landforms resulting from the deposition of sediment by streams.

Streams shape Earth’s surface not only by cutting into it, as we have seen, but also by transporting and depositing sediments downstream. Many important natural fluvial landforms are built by accumulations of stream-deposited sediments.

Dropping the Load: Stream Sorting

As long as stream capacity and stream competence are maintained, the stream load will continue to be transported. Where stream capacity or stream competence is reduced, material carried by the stream begins to settle out. Where a stream stops flowing at base level, it loses all kinetic energy, and all the material it carries, except its dissolved load, settles out.

Sediments are sorted by size as they are deposited by streams. The heaviest material in transport settles out first. The largest boulders are high in the drainage basin because they are too heavy to be carried very far. They eventually break into smaller and lighter fragments that will move more easily. Cobbles and pebbles will be moved farther downstream than boulders. Sand, silt, and clay settle out of the water still farther downstream.

To get a sense of how the sorting process works, imagine a white quartz boulder in a stream channel where all other rocks are dark. Because the boulder is white, we can easily see it and follow it from a high mountainous area and on downstream as it is broken into ever-smaller fragments over time. As the stream overflows its banks, these materials will be deposited along the course of the stream (Figure 16.24). Sediments deposited on a floodplain by a stream are referred to as alluvium.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Stream sorting. Through abrasion and chemical weathering, rocks in a streambed are slowly broken down into smaller and smaller fragments. These fragments are sorted according to size along the stream’s length.


Sediments deposited on a floodplain by a stream.


Stream sorting

Places of Deposition

If a stream’s capacity and competence become insufficient to carry all the sediments that enter the stream, the sediments will settle out in the stream channel and accumulate. The buildup of sediments in a streambed is called aggradation. Aggradation in the low-gradient sections of a stream forms a floodplain (Figure 16.25).

Aggradation. Floodplains are formed through aggradation when sediment enters a stream faster than the stream can carry it away. Floodplains are composed of deep layers of alluvium.


The buildup of sediments in a streambed.

Sediment input into a stream channel increases where vegetation is removed by fire or human activity. Sediments from unpaved roads in steep terrain can wash into streams as well. During the Gold Rush in California in the middle 1800s, miners blasted the hillsides with water in search of gold. This hydraulic mining eroded the slopes and overwhelmed the streams with sediments (Figure 16.26).

Hydraulic mining during the Gold Rush. Miners used water cannons called water monitors to loosen sediments, and the gold contained in them, from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. Mining put more sediment into the streams than they could carry, resulting in aggradation in the stream channels. This photo shows mining operations in the 1860s in what is today Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park in California.
(U.S. Geological Survey/photo by Carlton Watkins)
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Aggradation also occurs where streams flow out of glaciers. Glaciers flow downhill and grind the bedrock beneath them into rock fragments (see Section 17.3). The glacier’s outlet stream can move this material only during peak summer flow periods. At most times, the stream occupies only a small portion of the streambed, flowing around elongated islands of gravel and sand. Such streams that form intertwining channels around sediments in the streambed are called braided streams (Figure 16.27).

braided stream

A stream that forms intertwining channels around sediments in the streambed.

A braided stream. This braided stream originates from Franz Josef Glacier in New Zealand.
(© David Wall/Alamy)

Streams may also lose energy after they flow through a steep-walled, V-shaped canyon that abruptly opens up onto a flat valley floor. While in the canyon, the stream has a steep gradient and high velocity, but where the stream exits the canyon, its velocity slows, its capacity and compentency are reduced, and it drops its sediment into an alluvial fan. An alluvial fan is a gently sloping accumulation of sediment that is deposited at the base of a mountain by an ephemeral stream in arid regions (Figure 16.28).

alluvial fan

A gently sloping accumulation of sediment deposited at the base of a mountain by an ephemeral stream in arid regions.

An alluvial fan. This satellite image shows an alluvial fan (outlined with dotted line) in the Zagros Mountains of southern Iran. Here, an ephemeral stream emerges from a canyon and spills out onto the fan only after rare rainfall events. When flowing, the stream occupies only a small portion of the fan at any one time. Through time, the stream migrates across the fan. The green crops seen here get their water from pumped groundwater, not surface streams.
(NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using data from NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and the U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team)
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Stream Meanders and Floodplains

A meander is a looping bend in a stream channel that forms on a floodplain. Meanders develop when the fastest-flowing portion of the stream, called the thalweg, erodes one bank more than the other. That bank, called a cut bank, where erosion exceeds deposition, becomes the outside edge of the meander. On the opposite bank, where the flow is slower, deposition exceeds erosion, and accumulations of silt, sand, and gravel, called a point bar, form.


A looping bend in a stream channel on a floodplain.

cut bank

The outside edge of a meander, where erosion exceeds deposition.

point bar

An accumulation of silt, sand, and gravel that forms at the inside edge of a stream meander, where deposition exceeds erosion.

Stream meanders are spatially dynamic features. Through time, stream channels shift across the floodplain, forming new meanders and abandoning old ones (Figure 16.29). In places where a meander is cut off from the stream channel and the channel is abandoned, a water-filled oxbow lake forms.

Stream meanders. (A) Meanders develop on flat floodplains as the thalweg cuts into the outside edge of a meander. This process takes decades or longer. (B) This small stream near Cairns, Australia, developed its meanders and meander scars in the process outlined above. (C) Stream meanders are most common in low-gradient streams. But high-gradient streams, such as this small creek in the central Sierra Nevada in California, also develop meanders where the rivers flow through flat meadows.
(B. © G.R. “Dick” Roberts/Natural Sciences Image Library; C. Bruce Gervais)


Stream meanders

oxbow lake

A water-filled abandoned channel that results when a meander is cut off from the stream channel.

When a stream overflows its banks and floods, the standing sheet of water on the floodplain has no energy to carry its suspended load of silts and clays. These sediments settle out of the floodwaters and form deposits of alluvium. The smallest particles (clay and silt) are carried farthest away from the stream channel and accumulate on the floodplain. The largest particles (sand and gravel) accumulate near the stream channel in raised barriers that parallel the stream channel, called natural levees (Figure 16.30).

Formation of floodplains and natural levees. Each flood event deposits sediments on the floodplain. Repeated flooding builds the natural levees over periods ranging from decades to centuries or more.


Natural levees

Tributaries entering a floodplain sometimes flow parallel to the trunk stream because they cannot flow over the higher floodplain and natural levees bordering the trunk stream channel. As a result, permanently flooded areas called wetlands (also called swamps, backswamps, or bayous) and yazoo streams form (Figure 16.31).

Fluvial features of floodplains.
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Question 16.9

What are swamps and bayous?

Swamps and bayous are informal names for permanently flooded lowlands. Scientists call these areas wetlands.

The End of the Line: Base Level

All streams stop flowing at base level. Water in all streams eventually finds the oceans, with the exception of those in internal drainage systems (see Section 16.1).

Along the way to the ocean, natural dams (such as beaver dams or landslide debris) may form a temporary base level (also called a local base level) as a pond or lake develops behind the obstruction. Over time, fluvial erosion will eventually cut through the obstruction, and the stream will flow freely again.

Streams are also dammed by people. Damming creates an artificial lake called a reservoir. Stream capacity and stream competence are zero in lakes and reservoirs, and as a result, all sediments settle out. At the end of this chapter, the Geographic Perspectives further explores the problem of sedimentation in reservoirs.


An artificial lake.

A delta is an accumulation of sediments that forms where a stream reaches base level. Because of the amount of material deposited in deltas, the stream channel often becomes blocked, forcing the stream into a new channel around the sediments, as also occurs in a braided stream. In a delta, the trunk stream can shift and form a smaller branching network of streams called distributary channels, or distributaries. As shown in Figure 16.32, tributaries occur at the headwaters of a drainage basin, and distributaries occur in the delta.


An accumulation of sediment formed where a stream reaches base level.


One of a branching network of streams in a delta.


A branching network of streams in a delta.

Features of a stream and its delta. The sediments visible on the surface of a delta are only a small fraction of the total sediment accumulations that make up the delta. Most of the sediments in a delta are hidden beneath the surface of the water.

Stream deltas are so named because the triangular shape of some deltas resembles that of the Greek letter delta (Δ), but not all deltas take this shape (Figure 16.33). A delta’s shape depends mainly on the stream’s suspended load and on the influence of currents at the stream’s mouth. Arcuate deltas are triangular and often have a braided or branching pattern of distributaries. The distributaries in a bird’s foot delta resemble toes on a bird’s foot.

Delta shapes. (A) The Yukon River originates in British Columbia, Canada, and empties into the Bering Sea in Alaska. Its delta has the classic arcuate shape with branching networks of distributaries. Notice the brown color of the sea where the river deposits its suspended load. (B) The Mississippi River forms a bird’s foot delta (a portion of which is shown here).
(A. NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon,using Landsat data provided by the United States Geological Survey; B. NASA/GSFC/METI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team)

The largest deltas form where coastal ocean currents are at a minimum and major streams carry a heavy load of suspended sediments. Where coastal currents are strong, however, river mouths have small or no deltas because the currents carry sediments away. The Columbia River, on the border of Oregon and Washington, the Congo River, in western Africa, and the Amazon River are examples of major streams with no coastal deltas.

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In many deltas, the land elevation drops due to natural subsidence: the lowering of land elevation through the compaction of sediments. Deltas keep pace with natural subsidence as their streams continually deposit new sediments that build up the land. As long as sediments are renewed by fluvial deposition, there is an equilibrium between subsidence and sedimentation.


Lowering of land elevation through compaction of sediments.

When artificial levees are built around a stream to control water flow, however, this equilibrium is disrupted. With levees in place, the river can no longer flood and form new meanders. The river’s sediments are carried through and past the delta to the seaward edge and are deposited offshore, rather than in the delta. The interior delta becomes sediment starved, and as it sinks, the sea gradually encroaches on the land. Picture This (below) highlights the effects of this process in New Orleans, which is built on the Mississippi River delta.

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Picture This

(EROS Center, U.S. Geological Survey) (Jupiterimages/Stockbyte/Getty Images)

Vanishing Wetlands and a Sinking City

New Orleans is sinking. The past equilibrium between sedimentation and subsidence in the Mississippi River delta was disrupted when artificial levees were built around the river, mostly by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, in the 1930s and 1940s. In the past, the mouth and distributaries of the Mississippi River shifted every few hundred years to a new location, building the delta with new sediments. In this satellite image, the former positions of the river mouth are outlined in different colors, and their ages are given. Once the levees and upstream dams were in place, the trunk stream channel was stabilized to protect New Orleans. The river could no longer shift, flood, and build.

Some parts of New Orleans are now 2 to 6 m (3 to 12 ft) below sea level, and the coastal wetlands are riddled with holes and canals that were not present historically (inset). In many regions, the wetlands cannot grow fast enough to keep pace with subsidence. Because of the loss of coastal wetlands as well as rising sea level (see Section 19.3), New Orleans is increasingly vulnerable to flooding by hurricane storm surges.

Consider This

  1. Question 16.10

    How did the Mississippi River’s meandering process change after levees and upstream dams were put in place?

  2. Question 16.11

    Why is New Orleans sinking?