GT.3 Mapping Earth

Use the geographic grid coordinate system to identify locations on Earth’s surface and distinguish among different types of maps often employed in physical geography.

Maps and mapping technology visually represent the physical world. To be effective, maps must be precisely fixed in real geographic space. The geographic grid coordinate system is one of the systems that can be used to accomplish this.


Falling rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

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The Geographic Grid

Try telling someone how to get to your house without using street names and addresses. It would not be easy. It would be just as difficult to communicate where things are on Earth’s surface without the geographic grid.The geographic grid is a coordinate system that uses latitude and longitude to identify locations on Earth’s surface. Like a home address, the geographic grid pinpoints any location on Earth’s surface.

geographic grid

The coordinate system that uses latitude and longitude to identify locations on Earth’s surface.


As we have seen, Earth rotates on an imaginary axis that runs through both poles. With the North Pole up, Earth rotates eastward parallel to lines of latitude. Latitude is the angular distance as measured from Earth’s center to a point north or south of the equator. The equator is the line of latitude that divides Earth into two equal halves. The equator is exactly perpendicular to Earth’s axis of rotation, and it creates the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere (Figure GT.16).


The angular distance as measured from Earth’s center to a point north or south of the equator.


The line of latitude that divides Earth into two equal halves. The equator is exactly perpendicular to Earth’s axis of rotation.

Earth rotation and latitude. (A) The equator is halfway between the poles. It divides Earth into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. (B) Latitudes are measured as the angle away from the equator. The latitude 45 degrees north marks the halfway point between the equator and the North Pole. The equator is at 0 degrees latitude, and the poles are at 90 degrees latitude north and south. Latitudes do not exceed 90 degrees.



Points of the same latitude connected together form a line called a parallel. Latitude is the name of the angle; parallel is the name of the line. Parallels are imaginary circles that run parallel to the equator and are named for their latitude; for example, a parallel at 40 degrees north is called the 40th north parallel (Figure GT.17).


A line that forms a circle on the globe by connecting points of the same latitude.

Latitude and parallels. (A) Latitude is the measured angle in relation to the equator. (B) Parallels are points of latitude connected together to form a line and are named by their latitude.

Latitude is given in degrees (°), minutes (‘), and seconds (”). Each degree is divided into 60 minutes. Each minute is divided into 60 seconds. Degrees of latitude are approximately 111 km (69 mi) apart, minutes are 1.9 km (1.2 mi) apart, and seconds are 31 m (102 ft) apart.

Latitudes are often divided into three major zones: the tropics, midlatitudes, and high latitudes. The tropics are the geographic region located between 23.5 degrees north and south latitude. Midlatitudes and high latitudes are less well defined, but generally are divided at the 55th parallel. Besides these three major zones of latitude, geographers often use two subzones—subtropical and polar—as well (Figure GT.18).


The geographic region located between 23.5 degrees north and south latitude.

Zones of latitude. This world map shows satellite measurements of the ocean surface temperature for July 2, 2013. Surface ocean temperature roughly corresponds with the major zones of latitude. Orange shows areas with surface water temperatures up to 32°C (90°F). Violet indicates surface water near freezing (0°C or 32°F). Surface seawater temperature is high in the tropics. Around the 55th parallel, at the boundary of the midlatitudes and high latitudes, the water quickly transitions to near-freezing temperatures. At high latitudes, seawater is always at temperatures near freezing.


Longitude is the angular distance as measured from Earth’s center to a point east or west of the prime meridian.The prime meridian is the counterpart to the equator—it is the 0 degree starting point from which all other lines of longitude are determined. Unlike the equator, the prime meridian is not based on a natural plane of reference such as Earth’s rotation. Its precise location was chosen arbitrarily in 1884 to pass directly through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England.


The angular distance as measured from Earth’s center to a point east or west of the prime meridian.

prime meridian

Zero degrees longitude; the line of longitude that passes through Greenwich, England, and serves as the starting point from which all other lines of longitude are determined.

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As with latitude and parallels, meridians are the counterpart to longitude. A meridian is a line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and connects points of the same longitude, as shown in Figure GT.19. Meridians are central to the development of world time zones.


A line on the globe that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and connects points of the same longitude.

Longitude and meridians. (A) Longitude is determined by the angular distance from the prime meridian, which runs through Greenwich, England. Traveling east from the prime meridian, we pass through the Eastern Hemisphere, which ends at 180 degrees. Traveling west from the prime meridian, we pass through the Western Hemisphere, which also ends at 180 degrees. (B) Meridians are lines created by connecting points of longitude. The prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) and a portion of the 180th meridian (180 degrees longitude) are shown. All meridians terminate at the poles.

Like latitude, longitude is given in degrees (°), minutes (’), and seconds (”). Each degree is divided into 60 minutes. Each minute is divided into 60 seconds. The distance between longitudes varies depending on the latitude. Meridians on the equator are 111 km (69 mi) apart. Because meridians all converge at a single point at the poles, there is zero distance between them at the poles, as shown in the quick-reference “At a Glance” Table GT.2.

Table : TABLE GT.2 AT A GLANCE: Distances between Meridians from the Equator to the Poles















Using the Geographic Grid

Parallels and meridians together make up the geographic grid system. Geographic grid coordinates always give latitude first, followed by longitude. As an example, the coordinates for Mt. Whitney in California, the highest point in the continental United States, are 36°34’42” N, 118°17’32” W. This set of coordinates reads: “Thirty-six degrees, thirty-four minutes, and forty-two seconds north latitude; one hundred eighteen degrees, seventeen minutes, and thirty-two seconds west longitude.”

Alternatively, decimal degrees are often used instead of minutes and seconds. With this approach, minutes and seconds are converted to decimals. The above coordinates for Mt. Whitney in decimal degrees are 36.57857°, −118.29225°. The Northern Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere are given in positive numbers; the Southern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere are given in negative numbers. A decimal degree value of five decimal places, as given in the example above, is accurate to about 1 m (3.3 ft).

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When finding your way on the geographic grid, start on the origin (at 0°, 0°). From the origin, first find the latitude, then find the longitude (Figure GT.20).

Using the geographic grid. This illustration shows both latitude and longitude. To find 50° N by 20° W, from the origin, first go north 50 degrees, then go west 20 degrees.

The latitudes and longitudes together create an xy coordinate system that can be used to locate any point on the planet precisely. The GPS system is what enables our cars and phones to identify our location on Earth (Picture This).

Picture This


The Global Positioning System

Question 901.5

How do my car and phone know where I am?

Cars and smartphones know where on Earth we are because their built-in GPS receivers sense coordinate data from satellites orbiting overhead.

Not long ago, if we got lost while driving, our options were to use a paper map or ask somebody for directions to get our bearings. Now there are navigation systems that pinpoint our location and provide directions as we are driving. These systems use the Global Positioning System (GPS), a global navigation system that uses satellites and ground-based receivers to determine the geographic coordinates of any location. Each satellite uses radio waves to transmit its presence to ground receivers such as those found in our cars and smartphones. When signals from three or more satellites are received, a ground receiver can pinpoint its location on Earth. In physical geography, common applications of GPS include precisely locating satellite images on Earth’s surface and tracking the movements of animals for conservation efforts. GPS has also been used to track the movement of Earth’s lithospheric plates and to monitor active volcanoes for ground movement and potential eruptions. It also has many applications in weather forecasting and monitoring.

Global Positioning System (GPS)

A global navigation system that uses satellites and ground-based receivers to determine the geographic coordinates of any location.

Consider This

  1. Question 901.6

    How does the geographic grid relate to GPS?

  2. Question 901.7

    When was the last time you used GPS? What did you use it for?


Cartography is the science and art of map making. Maps are the most efficient means of communicating spatial information, and they are central to geographic inquiry. Maps used in physical geography portray spatial relationships among objects, geographic regions, or physical phenomena such as rainfall or earthquakes. All maps reduce the size of geographic space onto the map’s surface.


The science and art of map making.

All maps have a purpose. Early maps were often used as an aid to navigation, as shown in Figure GT.21. Modern maps continue to portray Earth’s features, but they also have far more complex functions. Rather than being limited to showing the shapes and features of Earth’s physical surface, physical geography maps portray the current and future state of Earth’s physical systems to the best of our scientific understanding.

Magellan’s route. This map was made in 1544 by Italian mapmaker Battista Agnese. The map shows the route of Ferdinand Magellan’s fleet, the first to circumnavigate the globe.
(Library of Congress)
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Maps are now widely available to the public with the advent of GPS technology in cars and digital maps available through online services such as Google Maps. Maps are traditionally printed on a flat surface such as paper, but spatial information can also be represented on computer screens, in spoken description, or in Braille.

Maps also provide factual information. Statistical and quantitative information, such as population numbers, temperature averages, atmospheric pressure differences across a region, or tornado frequency in the midwestern United States, can be effectively portrayed on maps.

The term map is also applied to concepts such as the “map of the human genome” or a “computer network map.” These are not maps in a geographic sense, however, because they lack a relationship to geographic space.

It is important to keep in mind that Earth’s surface is curved, but maps are flat. Depicting the curved surface of Earth on the flat surface of a map creates distortions of the shape and area of continents. Many different map projections are used to correct for this problem. Map projections are explored further in Appendix 2.

Cartographic distortion on a world map becomes obvious when routes of long-distance travel, such as that of an airplane, are plotted. For efficiency, airplanes follow straight lines called great circle routes whenever possible. A great circle is a continuous line that bisects the globe into two equal halves, such as the equator. It represents the shortest distance between two points on Earth. Great circle routes often do not appear as straight lines on world maps because of map distortion, as illustrated in Figure GT.22.

great circle

A continuous line that bisects the globe into two equal halves, such as the equator; it is the shortest distance between two points on Earth.

Great circle routes. (A) Here a great circle route between Tokyo, Japan, and Chicago, Illinois, is plotted on the globe. When a great circle is continued all the way around the globe, it will always bisect Earth into two equal halves. (Note that this is not a world map because we can see only one half of the globe.) (B) The same route plotted on a world map. Great circle routes on many world maps appear curved and inefficient because of the distortion resulting when the full globe is projected onto a flat surface. (C) This great circle route is the longest possible straight line over water. It runs from Karachi, Pakistan, to the Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia, and is approximately 32,000 km (20,000 mi) long. On a world map, the straight line is curved because of map distortion.


Great circle routes

Small circle routes are not straight lines, and they do not bisect the globe into two equal halves. A small circle is a continuous line that forms a circle smaller than the equator. All parallels other than the equator form small circles on the globe. The equator is the only great circle parallel. All meridians are half of a great circle, and when two opposing meridians are combined, they create a great circle.

Map Scale: How Far Is It?

Maps always shrink real-world distances. It is usually helpful to know how much the real world has been reduced on a map. A map scale performs this function. A map scale specifies how much the real world has been reduced. For example, imagine you are new to a college campus and you notice on the campus map that a river runs nearby. You decide to walk on your lunch break to see the river. After about 20 minutes of walking, you still cannot find the river. Frustrated, you turn around and race back to campus for your next class (Figure GT.23).

map scale

A means of specifying how much the real world has been reduced on a map.

Map scale. The campus map on the left shows the general layout of campus and the nearby river. There is no way to know what the real-world distances on this map are. On the right, this same map includes a map scale showing real-world distances on the map. In this map, it is clear that, although it looks close to campus, the river is several kilometers away and more than a short walk.

Types of Map Scales

There are three different types of map scales: bar scale, verbal scale, and representative fraction scale.

Bar scale (or graphic map scale): A bar scale uses a simple line segment to depict real-world distances. The scale used in Figure GT.23 is a bar scale. Bar scales are intuitive to use. The length of the line indicates distances on the map. The bar scale is the only scale type that remains accurate when the map is printed or photocopied in smaller or larger sizes. The reason is that when the map’s size is changed, the bar scale line changes along with it. This makes the bar scale handy for online maps because they are often displayed on phones or computers and printed at different sizes.

Verbal scale: Verbal map scales are also intuitive to use. A verbal scale works through a written statement such as “one inch represents one mile.” It is easy to measure or estimate an inch on a map.

Representative fraction scale: A representative fraction scale uses real-world ground distances in fractional form. For example, a common fractional scale is written as 1/24,000 or 1:24,000. This means that 1 unit on the map represents 24,000 units in the real world. The unit can be any linear distance, but both sides of the equation must have the same units. In this example, one inch represents 24,000 inches in the real world, but it would be incorrect to say that one inch represents 24,000 centimeters, because centimeters are not the same unit as inches.

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For a map to be effective, it should have a map scale. Maps should also have several other elements that increase their effectiveness and reliability, such as a title, legend, direction arrow, and date (Picture This).

Picture This

Map Elements

Maps often have several basic elements. Looking at the map at left, find the following elements:

  1. Question 901.8

    Title: The map title summarizes the thematic content of the map. “Vegetation of California,” “Arctic Sea Ice, September 2014” would be examples of map titles.

  2. Question 901.9

    Map scale: Map scale is required for understanding real-world distances on a map.

  3. Question 901.10

    Legend: Maps often use symbols and colors to represent data. This information must be clarified in a map’s legend so the reader can accurately interpret the data. The colors in this map represent elevation, and the legend at the lower left specifies the elevation represented by each color.

  4. Question 901.11

    Direction: North is usually “up” on a map, but not always. A large-scale map of an unfamiliar location should have a north arrow, or it should have the lines of the geographic grid. This is particularly important when north is not at the top of the map. These elements allow the readers to orient themselves.

  5. Question 901.12

    Date: The date when the map was published, or when the data used in the map were generated, is required for knowing whether the map is current and for identifying updates. For example, a map of Arctic sea ice would be meaningless without a date because the extent of ice changes seasonally and year by year.

Consider This

  1. Question 901.13

    What is the title of this map?

  2. Question 901.14

    Are all of the map elements listed here found on this map? If not, which ones could you not find?

Lines on the Map: Contour Lines

Topography, the shape and physical character of Earth’s surface, is one kind of information that is often portrayed on maps. A common method of representing topography on a topographic map is by using contour lines, which are lines of equal elevation in relation to sea level. The increment between contour lines is called the contour interval. Figure GT.24 provides an example of the use of contour lines. (Also see Appendix 3.)


The shape and physical character of Earth’s surface.

contour lines

Lines of equal elevation in relation to sea level used on a topographic map.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Contour lines. The base of Mayon Volcano in the Philippines is approximately 500 m (1,640 ft) above sea level. The peak is 2,462 m (8,677 ft) in elevation. In this example, the contour interval is 500 m.
(© Rolly Pedrina/Oriental Touch/Robert Harding)

Very few topographic features are as symmetrical as the mountain in Figure GT.24. Most landscapes have more complex and irregular shapes. When uneven topographies appear on a topographic map, the spacing between contour lines reflects the steepness and irregularities of the terrain, as portrayed in Figure GT.25.

GEO-GRAPHIC: Contour lines on a steep slope. The base of Lembert Dome, in Yosemite National Park, is 2,600 m (8,528 ft) above sea level. The contour lines get closest together on its steepest slope. If you used the topographic map to plan a hike to the top of this mountain, you might decide that the side where the contour lines are farthest apart would be the easiest approach to the peak.
(© Nicholas Pavloff/Lonely PlanetImages/Getty Images)

Contour lines always connect back to themselves, forming a closed loop. Topographic maps often do not show this, however, because the lines are cut off by the edges of the map. Anywhere on Earth, if you walked on the ground along a contour line, you would eventually wind up where you started. Contour lines converge only on vertical cliffs, and they never cross each other.

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