The Structure of a Neuron
How Neurons Communicate
Neurotransmitters, Drugs, and Poisons
The Central Nervous System
The Peripheral Nervous System
The Endocrine Glandular System
Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System
Going Up the Brain Stem
Processing in the Cerebral Cortex
Specializations of the Left and Right Hemispheres
Consciousness and the Sleeping Brain
Our brain controls almost everything we do. It is responsible for our perception, consciousness, memory, language, intelligence, and personality—
neuroscience The scientific study of the brain and nervous system.
In this chapter on neuroscience (the scientific study of the brain and nervous system), we will first examine neurons, the cellular building blocks of the nervous system. We will look at how neurons transmit and integrate information, and how drugs and poisons interrupt these processes (and change our behavior and mental processes). We will also consider how some diseases and disorders are related to transmission problems.
Once we understand how neurons work, we will consider the hierarchical structure of the nervous system, discussing its various subsystems—
Next, the major parts of the brain (vast collections of neurons) and their functions will be detailed. We will focus mainly on the cerebral cortex, the seat of higher mental functioning in humans. Last, we will consider what consciousness is and what brain activity during sleep (a natural break from consciousness) tells us about the five stages of sleep and the nature of dreaming.