The General toolbar contains buttons for file management (Import, Export) and for general editing/viewing of the canvas content (Clear, Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy/Paste, Zoom, Mirror, Clean, and View Settings).
Elements of the General toolbar:
Clear the whole canvas without saving its content.
Load an already existing file into Marvin for JavaScript. The supported file types are MDL Molfiles V2000 (.mol extension) and ChemAxon Marvin Documents (.mrv extension).
Save your structures in one of the following file formats: MDL Molfiles V2000 (.mol extension) or ChemAxon Marvin Documents (.mrv extension).
Revert the last commands you applied.
Revert the effect of the last "Undo" command.
Place the selection on the clipboard, while removing the original structure from the canvas.
Place the selection on the clipboard, while leaving the original structure unchanged.
Insert the content of the clipboard onto the canvas.
Zoom in
Increase the zoom ratio.
Zoom out
Decrease the zoom ratio.
Zoom All
Change the zoom ratio to the optimal value to view everything on the canvas.
Mirror Horizontally
Mirror the selected molecule or fragment horizontally.
Mirror Vertically
Mirror the selected molecule or fragment vertically.
Clean the structure(s) on the canvas in 2D by recalculating the atomic coordinates.
View Settings
Set display properties in the View Settings dialog box.
About Marvin JS
Displays information about the application (name, version) and a link to the Users Manual.