Freedmen’s Bureau (p. 427)
Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (p. 431)
Thirteenth Amendment (p. 431)
black codes (p. 432)
Fourteenth Amendment (p. 436)
Tenure of Office Act (p. 437)
Fifteenth Amendment (p. 438)
American Equal Rights Association (p. 438)
National Woman Suffrage Association (p. 438)
American Woman Suffrage Association (p. 438)
scalawags (p. 440)
carpetbaggers (p. 440)
sharecropping (p. 441)
Exodusters (p. 441)
Redeemers (p. 443)
Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) (p. 443)
Liberal Republicans (p. 445)
Joint Electoral Commission (p. 446)
compromise of 1877 (p. 446)