Cells contain water and other small and large molecules, which we examined in Chapters 2 and 3. Each cell contains at least 10,000 different types of molecules, most of them present in many copies. Cells use these molecules to transform matter and energy, to respond to their environments, and to reproduce. As we mentioned in the opening story, these biological processes would not be possible outside the enclosure of a cell.
The cell theory, developed in the nineteenth century, recognizes this basic fact about life. It was the first unifying principle of biology and has three critical components:
Cell theory has two important conceptual implications:
Most cells are tiny. Their diameters range from about 1 to 100 micrometers (FIGURE 4.1). There are some exceptions: the eggs of birds are single cells that are, relatively speaking, enormous, and individual cells of several types of algae and bacteria are large enough to be viewed with the unaided eye.
Small cell size is a practical necessity arising from the decrease in the surface area-to-volume ratio of any object as it increases in size. As an object increases in volume, its surface area also increases, but not as quickly (FIGURE 4.2). This phenomenon has biological significance for two reasons:
As a living cell grows larger, its metabolic activity, and thus its need for resources and its rate of waste production, increases faster than its surface area. In addition, substances must move from one location to another within the cell; the smaller the cell, the more easily this is accomplished. The large surface area-to-volume ratio represented by the many small cells of a multicellular organism enables it to carry out the many different functions required for survival.
However, for some cell types this general argument does not hold. Many cells are not shaped like cubes, but rather have an irregular shape; as they get larger, they can still have adequate exchange of materials with the environment by increasing their surface area by folds of their cell membrane. In other cases, cells can be quite large without greatly increased membrane surface. For instance, in a giraffe, nerve cells can be several meters long. In these cases, the rate of exchange of materials across the cell membrane must be increased, since the surface area is not adequately larger.
The small sizes of most cells necessitate special instruments to study them and their constituents. For visualizing cells, there are two types of microscopes (FIGURE 4.3):
The chemical analysis of cells usually begins with breaking them open to make a cell-free extract. This can be done physically, using a blender or other homogenizing machinery, or by placing the cell in a chemical environment where it swells and bursts (see Figure 5.3). In either case, the resulting extract can be analyzed in terms of its composition and chemical reactions. For example, specific enzyme activities may be measured. If conditions are right in this test tube system, the properties of the cell-free extract are the same as those inside the cell. This last statement is of great importance, because it allows biologists to study the chemical processes that occur inside cells in the test tube, so that chemical changes can be easily measured.
A cell’s internal structures and even some of its macromolecules can be separated according to their sizes in a centrifuge that spins the tubes at a high speed (FIGURE 4.4). Once the subcellular structures are separated from one another, they are much easier to study.
As we will discuss at the end of this chapter, a key to the origin of cells was the enclosure of biochemical functions within a membrane. We will describe the cell membrane in more detail in Chapter 5, but for now, note that it consists of a phospholipid bilayer with proteins (see Figure 2.13B). Unless stained for light microscopy, the very thin (7 nm) cell membrane is visible only with electron microscopy. It has several important roles:
Biologists classify all living things into three domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya. The organisms in Archaea and Bacteria are collectively called prokaryotes because they have in common a prokaryotic cellular organization. A prokaryotic cell typically does not have membrane-enclosed internal compartments; in particular, it does not have a nucleus.
Eukaryotic cell organization is found in members of the domain Eukarya—the eukaryotes—which includes the protists (a diverse group of microorganisms), plants, fungi, and animals. In contrast to the prokaryotes, eukaryotes contain membrane-enclosed compartments called organelles where specific metabolic functions occur. The most notable of these is the cell nucleus, where most of the cell’s DNA is located and where gene expression begins:
Just as a cell is an enclosed compartment that separates its contents from the surrounding environment, each organelle provides a compartment that separates certain molecules and biochemical reactions from the rest of the cell. This impressive “division of labor” provides possibilities for regulation and efficiency that were important in the evolution of complex organisms.
Eukaryotes arose from prokaryotes by endosymbiosis; see Concept 20.1
This section has introduced two structural themes in cell architecture: prokaryotic and eukaryotic. We’ll turn now to the organization of prokaryotic cells.