MLA Works Cited Entries

MLA works cited entries

Directory of MLA Works Cited Entries

1. Single author 29. Entire Web site
2. Two authors 30. Entire blog (Weblog)
3. Three or more authors 31. Entry in a blog (Weblog)
4. Corporate author 32. Online book
5. Unidentified author 33. Work from a library subscription service (such as InfoTrac or FirstSearch)
6. Multiple works by the same author 34. Work from an online periodical
BOOKS 35. Online posting
7. Book: basic format 36. E-mail
8. Author and editor 37. CD-ROM
9. Edited collection 38. Podcast
10. Work in an anthology or a collection 39. Entry in a wiki
11. Multivolume work OTHER
12. Part of a series 40. Dissertation
13. Republished book 41. Published conference proceedings
14. Later edition 42. Government document
15. Sacred work 43. Pamphlet
16. Translation 44. Letter (personal and published)
17. Article in a reference book 45. Legal source
18. Introduction, preface, foreword, or afterword 46. Lecture or public address
19. Title within a title 47. Interview
PERIODICALS 48. Television or radio program
20. Article in a scholarly journal 49. Film or video recording
21. Article in a scholarly journal with no volume number 50. Sound recording
22. Magazine article 51. Musical composition
23. Newspaper article 52. Live performance
24. Editorial 53. Work of art
25. Letter to the editor 54. Map or chart
26. Unsigned article 55. Cartoon or comic strip
27. Review 56. Advertisement
28. Short work from a Web site

General Guidelines for MLA Works Cited Entries


  • Authors listed at the start of an entry should be listed last name first and should end with a period.
  • Subsequent author names, or the names of authors or editors listed in the middle of an entry, should be listed first name first.
  • If the source has no date, give your date of access at the end: Accessed 24 Feb. 2016.


  • Format dates as day month year: 27 May 2014.
  • Use abbreviations for all months except for May, June, and July, which are short enough to spell out: Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec. (Months should always be spelled out in the text of your paper.)
  • If the source has no date, give your date of access at the end: Accessed 24 Feb. 2016.


  • Italicize the titles of long works — such as books, plays, periodicals, entire Web sites, and films. (Underlining is an acceptable alternative to italics, but note that whichever format you choose, you should be consistent throughout your paper.)
  • Titles of short works — such as essays, articles, poems, and songs — should be placed in quotation marks.


  • Provide the publisher's full name as listed on the title page, leaving out business terms such as "Inc." and "Corp." If no publisher is given on the title page, look at the copyright page.
  • Do not abbreviate words in the publisher's name, except for "University" ("U") and "Press" ("P") in the case of academic publishers.
  • Use the abbreviations "vol." ("volume") and "no." ("number") for issues of periodicals, and precede page numbers with "pp." ("pages").