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Important EventsThe Fatihah is the prayer that begins the Qur’an. It emphasizes God’s compassion for the believer, who needs to be guided “along the road straight”—God’s highway. To convey the fluid nature of the phrases, which relate to one another in many ways and have no one meaning, the translation here uses no punctuation.
In the name of God
the Compassionate the Caring
Praise be to God
lord sustainer of the worlds
the Compassionate the Caring
master of the day of reckoning
To you we turn to worship
and to you we turn in time of need
Guide us along the road straight
the road of those to whom you are giving
not those with anger upon them
not those who have lost the way
Source: Approaching the Qur’an: The Early Revelations, intro. and trans. Michael Sells (Ashland, OR: White Cloud Press, 1999), 42.
Question to Consider
According to this passage from the Fatihah, what are the attributes of God—and the corresponding attributes of those who believe in him?