Making Connections

Chapter 12 Review: Making Connections

  1. Why was Innocent III more successful than Boniface VIII in carrying out his objectives?


    Why was Innocent III more successful than Boniface VIII in carrying out his objectives?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Why was Innocent III more successful than Boniface VIII in carrying out his objectives?
  2. How did the growth of lay piety help bolster the prestige and power of kings like Louis IX?


    How did the growth of lay piety help bolster the prestige and power of kings like Louis IX?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How did the growth of lay piety help bolster the prestige and power of kings like Louis IX?
  3. Comparing the goals and methods of Abelard’s scholarship with those of Thomas Aquinas, explain the continuities and the differences between the twelfth-century schools and the scholastic movement.


    Comparing the goals and methods of Abelard’s scholarship with those of Thomas Aquinas, explain the continuities and the differences between the twelfth-century schools and the scholastic movement.
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    Comparing the goals and methods of Abelard’s scholarship with those of Thomas Aquinas, explain the continuities and the differences between the twelfth-century schools and the scholastic movement.