Mapping the West: Europe and the World in 1929

Mapping the West: Europe and the World in 1929

MAPPING THE WEST Europe and the World in 1929
The map reflects the partitions and nations that came into being as a result of war and revolution, while it obscures the increasing movement toward throwing off colonial rule. The high point of empire was still unfolding with the mandate system and the 1930s drive by Germany, Italy, and Japan, all of which searched for land and resources to fuel growth.

Analyzing the Map: Observe the League of Nations membership as depicted in the map. What common bonds, if any, united these member nations?


Analyzing the Map: Observe the League of Nations membership as depicted in the map. What common bonds, if any, united these member nations?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10

Analyzing the Map: Observe the League of Nations membership as depicted in the map. What common bonds, if any, united these member nations?

Making Connections: From the map and your knowledge of nineteenth-century history, can you suggest which nation or nations would be the dominant powers in the League of Nations?


Making Connections: From the map and your knowledge of nineteenth-century history, can you suggest which nation or nations would be the dominant powers in the League of Nations?
accept_blank_answers: true
points: 10

Making Connections: From the map and your knowledge of nineteenth-century history, can you suggest which nation or nations would be the dominant powers in the League of Nations?