Review Questions

Chapter 28 Review: Review Questions

  1. What were the technological and scientific advances of the 1960s and 1970s, and how did they change human life and society?


    What were the technological and scientific advances of the 1960s and 1970s, and how did they change human life and society?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What were the technological and scientific advances of the 1960s and 1970s, and how did they change human life and society?
  2. How did Western society and culture change in the postindustrial age?


    How did Western society and culture change in the postindustrial age?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How did Western society and culture change in the postindustrial age?
  3. What were the main issues for protesters in the 1960s, and how did governments address them?


    What were the main issues for protesters in the 1960s, and how did governments address them?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    What were the main issues for protesters in the 1960s, and how did governments address them?
  4. How and why did the balance of world power change during the 1980s?


    How and why did the balance of world power change during the 1980s?
    accept_blank_answers: true
    points: 10

    How and why did the balance of world power change during the 1980s?