Question 1

If the white-flowered parental variety in Figure 1-3 were crossed to the first-generation hybrid plant in that figure, what types of progeny would you expect to see and in what proportions?

Question 2

In Mendel’s 1866 publication as shown in Figure 1-4, he reports 705 purple-flowered (violet) offspring and 224 white-flowered offspring. The ratio he obtained is 3.15:1 for purple : white. How do you think he explained the fact that the ratio is not exactly 3:1?

Question 3

In Figure 1-6, the students have 1 of 15 different heights, plus there are two height classes (4’11” and 5’ 0”) for which there are no observed students. That is a total of 17 height classes. If a single Mendelian gene can account for only two classes of a trait (such as purple or white flowers), how many Mendelian genes would be minimally required to explain the observation of 17 height classes?

Question 4

Figure 1-7 shows a simplified pathway for arginine synthesis in Neurospora. Suppose you have a special strain of Neurospora that makes citrulline but not arginine. Which gene(s) are likely mutant or missing in your special strain? You have a second strain of Neurospora that makes neither citrulline nor arginine but does make ornithine. Which gene(s) are mutant or missing in this strain?

Question 5

Consider Figure 1-8a.

  1. What do the small, blue spheres represent?

  2. What do the brown slabs represent?

  3. Do you agree with the analogy that DNA is structured like a ladder?

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Question 6

In Figure 1-8b, can you tell if the number of hydrogen bonds between adenine and thymine is the same as that between cytosine and guanine? Do you think that a DNA molecule with a high content of A + T would be more stable than one with high content of G + C?

Question 7

Which of three major groups (domains) of life in Figure 1-11 is not represented by a model organism?

Question 8

Figure 1-13b shows the human chromosomes in a single cell. The green dots show the location of a gene called BAPX1. Is the cell in this figure a sex cell (gamete)? Explain your answer.

Question 9

Figure 1-15 shows the family tree, or pedigree, for Louise Benge (Individual VI-1) who suffers from the disease ACDC because she has two mutant copies of the CD73 gene. She has four siblings (VI-2, VI-3, VI-4, and VI-5) who have this disease for the same reason. Do all of the 10 children of Louise and her siblings have the same number of mutant copies of the CD73 gene, or might this number be different for some of the 10 children?


Question 10

Below is the sequence of a single strand of a short DNA molecule. On a piece of paper, rewrite this sequence and then write the sequence of the complementary strand below it.


Comparing the top and bottom strands, what do you notice about the relationship between them?

Question 11

Mendel studied a tall variety of pea plants with stems that are 20 cm long and a dwarf variety with stems that are only 12 cm long.

  1. Under blending theory, how long would you expect the stems of first and second hybrids to be?

  2. Under Mendelian rules and assuming stem length is controlled by a single gene, what would you expect to observe in the second-generation hybrids if all the first-generation hybrids were tall?

Question 12

If a DNA double helix that is 100 base pairs in length has 32 adenines, how many cytosines, guanines, and thymines must it have?

Question 13

The complementary strands of DNA in the double helix are held together by hydrogen bonds: G ≡ C or A = T. These bonds can be broken (denatured) in aqueous solutions by heating to yield two single strands of DNA (see Figure 1-13a). How would you expect the relative amounts of GC versus AT base pairs in a DNA double helix to affect the amount of heat required to denature it? How would you expect the length of a DNA double helix in base pairs to affect the amount of heat required to denature it?

Question 14

The figure below shows the DNA sequence of a portion of one of the chromosomes from a trio (mother, father, and child). Can you spot any new point mutations in the child that are not in either parent? In which parent did the mutation arise?


Question 15

  1. There are three nucleotides in each codon, and each of these nucleotides can have one of four different bases. How many possible unique codons are there?

  2. If DNA had only two types of bases instead of four, how long would codons need to be to specify all 20 amino acids?

Question 16

Fathers contribute more new point mutations to their children than mothers. You may know from general biology that people have sex chromosomes—two X chromosomes in females and an X plus a Y chromosome in males. Both sexes have the autosomes (A’s).

  1. On which type of chromosome (A, X, or Y) would you expect the genes to have the greatest number of new mutations per base pair over many generations in a population? Why?

  2. On which type of chromosome would you expect the least number of new mutations per base pair? Why?

  3. Can you calculate the expected number of new mutations per base pair for a gene on the X and Y chromosomes for every one new mutation in a gene on an autosome if the mutation rate in males is twice that in females?

Question 17

For young men of age 20, there have been 150 rounds of DNA replication during sperm production as compared to only 23 rounds for a woman of age 20. That is a 6.5-fold greater number of cell divisions and proportionately greater opportunity for new point mutations. Yet, on average, 20-year-old men contribute only about twice as many new point mutations to their offspring as do women. How can you explain this discrepancy?

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Question 18

In computer science, a bit stores one of two states, 0 or 1. A byte is a group of 8 bits that has 28 = 256 possible states. Modern computer files are often megabytes (106 bytes) or even gigabytes (109 bytes) in size. The human genome is approximately 3 billion base pairs in size. How many nucleotides are needed to encode a single byte? How large of a computer file would it take to store the same amount of information as a single human genome?

Question 19

The human genome is approximately 3 billion base pairs in size.

  1. Using standard 8.5” × 11” paper with one-inch margins, a 12-point font size, and single-spaced lines, how many sheets of paper printed on one side would be required to print out the human genome?

  2. A ream of 500 sheets of paper is about 5 cm thick. How tall would the stack of paper with the entire human genome be?

  3. Would you want a backpack, shopping cart, or a semitrailer truck to haul around this stack?

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