Question 1

In Figure 8-3, why are the arrows for genes 1 and 2 pointing in opposite directions?

Question 2

In Figure 8-5, draw the “one gene” at much higher resolution with the following components: DNA, RNA polymerase(s), RNA(s).

Question 3

In Figure 8-6, describe where the gene promoter is located.

Question 4

In Figure 8-9b, write a sequence that could form the hairpin loop structure.

Question 5

How do you know that the events in Figure 8-13 are occurring in the nucleus?

Question 6

In Figure 8-15, what do you think would be the effect of a G to A mutation in the first G residue of the intron?

Question 7

By comparing Figures 8-16 and 8-17, evaluate what is/are the function(s) of proteins U1–U6.

Question 8

By comparing Figures 8-16 and 8-17 with Figure 8-18, speculate what features of RNA permit self-splicing (that is, in the absence of proteins).

Question 9

In Figure 8-20, three very different situations are shown that all result in gene silencing. What do these situations have in common to make this is possible?

Question 10

In Figure 8-22, show how the double-stranded RNA is able to silence the transgene. What would have to happen for the transgene to also silence the flanking cellular gene (in yellow)?


Question 11

In prokaryotes and eukaryotes, describe what else is happening to the RNA while RNA polymerase is synthesizing a transcript from the DNA template.

Question 12

List three examples of proteins that act on nucleic acids during transcription.

Question 13

What is the primary function of the sigma factor? Is there a protein in eukaryotes analogous to the sigma factor?

Question 14

You have identified a mutation in yeast, a unicellular eukaryote, that prevents the capping of the 5′ end of the RNA transcript. However, much to your surprise, all the enzymes required for capping are normal. You determine that the mutation is, instead, in one of the subunits of RNA polymerase II. Which subunit is mutant, and how does this mutation result in failure to add a cap to yeast RNA?

Question 15

Why is RNA produced only from the template DNA strand and not from both strands?

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Question 16

A linear plasmid contains only two genes, which are transcribed in opposite directions, each one from the end, toward the center of the plasmid. Draw diagrams of

  1. the plasmid DNA, showing the 5′ and 3′ ends of the nucleotide strands.

  2. the template strand for each gene.

  3. the positions of the transcription-initiation sites.

  4. the transcripts, showing the 5′ and 3′ ends.

Question 17

Are there similarities between the DNA replication bubbles and the transcription bubbles found in eukaryotes? Explain.

Question 18

Which of the following statements are true about eukaryotic mRNA?

  1. The sigma factor is essential for the correct initiation of transcription.

  2. Processing of the nascent mRNA may begin before its transcription is complete.

  3. Processing takes place in the cytoplasm.

  4. Termination is accomplished by the use of a hairpin loop or the use of the rho factor.

  5. Many RNAs can be transcribed simultaneously from one DNA template.

Question 19

A researcher was mutating prokaryotic cells by inserting segments of DNA. In this way, she made the following mutation:


TTGACAT 15 to 17 bp TATAAT


TATAAT 15 to 17 bp TTGACAT

  1. What does this sequence represent?

  2. What do you predict will be the effect of such a mutation? Explain.

Question 20

You will learn more about genetic engineering in Chapter 10, but for now, put on your genetic engineer’s cap and try to solve this problem. E. coli is widely used in laboratories to produce proteins from other organisms.

  1. You have isolated a yeast gene that encodes a metabolic enzyme and want to produce this enzyme in E. coli. You suspect that the yeast promoter will not work in E. coli. Why?

  2. After replacing the yeast promoter with an E. coli promoter, you are pleased to detect RNA from the yeast gene but are confused because the RNA is almost twice the length of the mRNA from this gene isolated from yeast. Explain why this result might have occurred.

Question 21

Draw a prokaryotic gene and its RNA product. Be sure to include the promoter, transcription start site, transcription termination site, untranslated regions, and labeled 5′ and 3′ ends.

Question 22

Draw a two-intron eukaryotic gene and its pre-mRNA and mRNA products. Be sure to include all the features of the prokaryotic gene included in your answer to Problem 19, plus the processing events required to produce the mRNA.

Question 23

A certain Drosophila protein-encoding gene has one intron. If a large sample of null alleles of this gene is examined, will any of the mutant sites be expected

  1. in the exons?

  2. in the intron?

  3. in the promoter?

  4. in the intron-exon boundary?

Question 24

What are self-splicing introns, and why does their existence support the theory that RNA evolved before protein?

Question 25

Antibiotics are drugs that selectively kill bacteria without harming animals. Many antibiotics act by selectively binding to certain proteins that are critical for bacterial function. Explain why some of the most successful antibiotics target bacterial RNA polymerase.

Question 26

Describe four types of RNA that perform distinct functions.


Question 27

The following data represent the base compositions of double-stranded DNA from two different bacterial species and their RNA products obtained in experiments conducted in vitro:

  1. From these data, determine whether the RNA of these species is copied from a single strand or from both strands of the DNA. Draw a diagram to show how you solve this problem.

  2. How can you tell if the RNA itself is single stranded or double stranded?

Question 28

A human gene was initially identified as having three exons and two introns. The exons are 456, 224, and 524 bp, whereas the introns are 2.3 kb and 4.6 kb.

  1. Draw this gene, showing the promoter, introns, exons, and transcription start and stop sites.

  2. Surprisingly, this gene is found to encode not one but two mRNAs that have only 224 nucleotides in common. The original mRNA is 1204 nucleotides, and the new mRNA is 2524 nucleotides. Use your drawing to show how this one region of DNA can encode these two transcripts.

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Question 29

While working in your laboratory, you isolate an mRNA from C. elegans that you suspect is essential for embryos to develop successfully. With the assumption that you are able to turn mRNA into double-stranded RNA, design an experiment to test your hypothesis.

Question 30

Glyphosate is an herbicide used to kill weeds. It is the main component of a product made by the Monsanto Company called Roundup. Glyphosate kills plants by inhibiting an enzyme in the shikimate pathway called EPSPS. This herbicide is considered safe because animals do not have the shikimate pathway. To sell even more of their herbicide, Monsanto commissioned its plant geneticists to engineer several crop plants, including corn, to be resistant to glyphosate. To do so, the scientists had to introduce an EPSPS enzyme that was resistant to inhibition by glyphosate into crop plants and then test the transformed plants for resistance to the herbicide.

Imagine that you are one of these scientists and that you have managed to successfully introduce the resistant EPSPS gene into the corn chromosomes. You find that some of the transgenic plants are resistant to the herbicide, whereas others are not. Your supervisor is very upset and demands an explanation of why some of the plants are not resistant even though they have the transgene in their chromosomes. Draw a picture to help him understand.

Question 31

Many human cancers result when a normal gene mutates and leads to uncontrolled growth (a tumor). Genes that cause cancer when they mutate are called oncogenes. Chemotherapy is effective against many tumors because it targets rapidly dividing cells and kills them. Unfortunately, chemotherapy has many side effects, such as hair loss or nausea, because it also kills many of our normal cells that are rapidly dividing, such as those in the hair follicles or stomach lining.

Many scientists and large pharmaceutical companies are excited about the prospects of exploiting the RNAi pathway to selectively inhibit oncogenes in lifethreatening tumors. Explain in very general terms how gene-silencing therapy might work to treat cancer and why this type of therapy would have fewer side effects than chemotherapy.

Question 32

Would you expect self-splicing introns to be on average longer or shorter than introns spliced by spliceosomes? Justify your answer.

Question 33

A scientist who inserted a plant gene into human chromosomes was not able to detect any transcription from the plant gene. Propose an explanation based on what you have learned about transcription. Now devise an experiment to test your hypothesis.

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