Genetic "Vital Statistics"

Genome size:

12 Mb


n = 16

Number of genes:


Percentage with human homologs:


Average gene size:

1.5 kb, 0.03 intron/gene


Small proportion of DNA

Genome sequenced in:


Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Key organism for studying:

  • Genomics

  • Systems biology

  • Genetic control of cell cycle

  • Signal transduction

  • Recombination

  • Mating type

  • Mitochondrial inheritance

  • Gene interaction; two-hybrid

Yeast cells, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
[SciMAT/Science Source.]

The ascomycete S. cerevisiae, alias “baker’s yeast,” “budding yeast,” or simply “yeast,” has been the basis of the baking and brewing industries since antiquity. In nature, it probably grows on the surfaces of plants, using exudates as nutrients, although its precise niche is still a mystery. Although laboratory strains are mostly haploid, cells in nature can be diploid or polyploid. In approximately 70 years of genetic research, yeast has become “the E. coli of the eukaryotes.” Because it is haploid and unicellular, and forms compact colonies on plates, it can be treated in much the same way as a bacterium. However, it has eukaryotic meiosis, cell cycle, and mitochondria, and these features have been at the center of the yeast success story.

Special features

As a model organism, yeast combines the best of two worlds: it has much of the convenience of a bacterium, but with the key features of a eukaryote. Yeast cells are small (10 μm) and complete their cell cycle in just 90 minutes, allowing them to be produced in huge numbers in a short time. Like bacteria, yeast can be grown in large batches in a liquid medium that is continuously shaken. And, like bacteria, yeast produces visible colonies when plated on agar medium, can be screened for mutations, and can be replica plated. In typical eukaryotic manner, yeast has a mitotic celldivision cycle, undergoes meiosis, and contains mitochondria housing a small unique genome. Yeast cells can respire anaerobically by using the fermentation cycle and hence can do without mitochondria, allowing mitochondrial mutants to be viable.

Genetic analysis

Performing crosses in yeast is quite straightforward. Strains of opposite mating type are simply mixed on an appropriate medium. The resulting a/α diploids are induced to undergo meiosis by using a special sporulation medium. Investigators can isolate ascospores from a single tetrad by using a machine called a micromanipulator. They also have the option of synthesizing a/a or α/α diploids for special purposes or creating partial diploids by using specially engineered plasmids.

Because a huge array of yeast mutants and DNA constructs are available within the research community, special-purpose strains for screens and selections can be built by crossing various yeast types. Additionally, new mutant alleles can be mapped by crossing with strains containing an array of phenotypic or DNA markers of known map position.

The availability of both haploid and diploid cells provides flexibility for mutational studies. Haploid cells are convenient for large-scale selections or screens because mutant phenotypes are expressed directly. Diploid cells are convenient for obtaining dominant mutations, sheltering lethal mutations, performing complementation tests, and exploring gene interaction.

Life Cycle

Yeast is a unicellular species with a very simple life cycle consisting of sexual and asexual phases. The asexual phase can be haploid or diploid. A cell divides asexually by budding: a mother cell throws off a bud into which is passed one of the nuclei that result from mitosis. For sexual reproduction, there are two mating types, determined by the alleles MATα and MATa. When haploid cells of different mating type unite, they form a diploid cell, which can divide mitotically or undergo meiotic division. The products of meiosis are a nonlinear tetrad of four ascospores.

Total length of life cycle: 90 minutes to complete cell cycle

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Techniques of Genetic Manipulation

Standard mutagenesis:

Chemicals and radiation

Random somatic mutations


Random somatic insertions


Integrative plasmid

Inserts by homologous recombination

Replicative plasmid

Can replicate autonomously (2μ or ARS origin of replication)

Yeast artificial chromosome

Replicates and segregates as a chromosome

Shuttle vector

Can replicate in yeast or E. coli

Targeted gene knockouts:

Gene replacement

Homologous recombination replaces wild-type allele with null copy

Genetic engineering

Transgenesis. Budding yeast provides more opportunities for genetic manipulation than any other eukaryote (see Chapter 10). Exogenous DNA is taken up easily by cells whose cell walls have been partly removed by enzyme digestion or abrasion. Various types of vectors are available. For a plasmid to replicate free of the chromosomes, it must contain a normal yeast replication origin (ARS) or a replication origin from a 2-μm plasmid found in certain yeast isolates. The most elaborate vector, the yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), consists of an ARS, a yeast centromere, and two telomeres. A YAC can carry large transgenic inserts, which are then inherited in the same way as Mendelian chromosomes. YACs have been important vectors in cloning and sequencing large genomes such as the human genome.

A simple yeast vector. This type of vector is called a yeast integrative plasmid (YIp).

Targeted knockouts. Transposon mutagenesis (transposon tagging) can be accomplished by introducing yeast DNA into E. coli on a shuttle vector; the bacterial transposons integrate into the yeast DNA, knocking out gene function. The shuttle vector is then transferred back into yeast, and the tagged mutants replace wild-type copies by homologous recombination. Gene knockouts can also be accomplished by replacing wild-type alleles with an engineered null copy through homologous recombination. By using these techniques, researchers have systematically constructed a complete set of yeast knockout strains (each carrying a different knockout) to assess null function of each gene at the phenotypic level.

Cell-cycle mutants. (a) Mutants that elongate without dividing. (b) Mutants that arrest without budding.
[Courtesy of Susan L. Forsburg, the Salk Institute. “The Art and Design of Genetic Screens: Yeast,” Nature Reviews: Genetics 2, 2001, 659–668.]

Main contributions

Thanks to a combination of good genetics and good biochemistry, yeast studies have made substantial contributions to our understanding of the genetic control of cell processes.

Cell cycle. The identification of cell-division genes through their temperature-sensitive mutants (cdc mutants) has led to a powerful model for the genetic control of cell division. The different Cdc phenotypes reveal the components of the machinery required to execute specific steps in the progression of the cell cycle. This work has been useful for understanding the abnormal cell-division controls that can lead to human cancer.

Recombination. Many of the key ideas for the current molecular models of crossing over (such as the double-strand-break model) are based on tetrad analysis of gene conversion in yeast. Gene conversion (aberrant allele ratios such as 3:1) is quite common in yeast genes, providing an appropriately large data set for quantifying the key features of this process.

Gene interactions. Yeast has led the way in the study of gene interactions. The techniques of traditional genetics have been used to reveal patterns of epistasis and suppression, which suggest gene interactions (see Chapter 6). The two-hybrid plasmid system for finding protein interactions was developed in yeast and has generated complex interaction maps that represent the beginnings of systems biology. Synthetic lethals—lethal double mutants created by intercrossing two viable single mutants—also are used to plot networks of interaction.

Mitochondrial genetics. Mutants with defective mitochondria are recognizable as very small colonies called “petites.” The availability of these petites and other mitochondrial mutants enabled the first detailed analysis of mitochondrial genome structure and function in any organism.

Genetics of mating type. Yeast MAT alleles were the first mating-type genes to be characterized at the molecular level. Interestingly, yeast undergoes spontaneous switching from one mating type to the other. A silent “spare” copy of the opposite MAT allele, residing elsewhere in the genome, enters into the mating-type locus, replacing the resident allele by homologous recombination. Yeast has provided one of the central models for signal transduction during detection and response to mating hormones from the opposite mating type.

Other areas of contribution

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