
Metabolic Pathways and Additional Levels of Regulation: Attenuation

Coordinate control of genes in bacteria is widespread. In the preceding section, we looked at examples illustrating the regulation of pathways for the breakdown of specific sugars. In fact, most coordinated genes in bacteria are coordinated through operon mechanisms. In many pathways that synthesize essential molecules from simple inorganic building blocks, the genes that encode the enzymes are organized into operons, complete with multigenic mRNAs. Furthermore, in cases for which the sequence of catalytic activity is known, there is a remarkable congruence between the order of operon genes on the chromosome and the order in which their products act in the metabolic pathway. This congruence is strikingly illustrated by the organization of the tryptophan operon in E. coli (Figure 11-21). The tryptophan operon contains five genes (trpE, trpD, trpC, trpB, trpA) that encode enzymes that contribute to the synthesis of the amino acid tryptophan.

Figure 11-21: Gene order in the trp operon corresponds to reaction order in the biosynthetic pathway
Figure 11-21: The chromosomal order of genes in the trp operon of E. coli and the sequence of reactions catalyzed by the enzyme products of the trp structural genes. The products of genes trpD and trpE form a complex that catalyzes specific steps, as do the products of genes trpB and trpA. Tryptophan synthetase is a tetrameric enzyme formed by the products of trpB and trpA. It catalyzes a two-step process leading to the formation of tryptophan. Abbreviations: PRPP, phosphoribosylpyrophosphate; CDRP, 1-(o-carboxyphenylamino)-1-deoxyribulose 5-phosphate.
[Data from S. Tanemura and R. H. Bauerle, Genetics 95, 1980, 545]


In bacteria, genes that encode enzymes that are in the same metabolic pathways are generally organized into operons.

There are two mechanisms for regulating transcription of the tryptophan operon and some other operons functioning in amino acid biosynthesis. One provides global control of operon mRNA expression, and the other provides fine-tuned control.

The level of trp operon gene expression is governed by the level of tryptophan. When tryptophan is absent from the growth medium, trp gene expression is high; when levels of tryptophan are high, the trp operon is repressed. One mechanism for controlling the transcription of the trp operon is similar to the mechanism that we have already seen controls the lac operon: a repressor protein binds an operator, preventing the initiation of transcription. This repressor is the Trp repressor, the product of the trpR gene. The Trp repressor binds tryptophan when adequate levels of the amino acid are present, and only after binding tryptophan will the Trp repressor bind to the operator and switch off transcription of the operon. This simple mechanism ensures that the cell does not waste energy producing tryptophan when the amino acid is sufficiently abundant. E. coli strains with mutations in trpR continue to express the trp mRNA and thus continue to produce tryptophan when the amino acid is abundant.

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In studying these trpR mutant strains, Charles Yanofsky discovered that, when tryptophan was removed from the medium, the production of trp mRNA further increased several-fold. This finding was evidence that, in addition to the Trp repressor, a second control mechanism existed to negatively regulate transcription. This mechanism is called attenuation because mRNA production is normally attenuated, meaning “decreased,” when tryptophan is plentiful. Unlike the other bacterial control mechanisms described thus far, attenuation acts at a step after transcription initiation.

The mechanisms governing attenuation were discovered by identifying mutations that reduced or abolished attenuation. Strains with these mutations produce trp mRNA at maximal levels even in the presence of tryptophan. Yanofsky mapped the mutations to a region between the trp operator and the trpE gene; this region, termed the leader sequence, is at the 5′ end of the trp operon mRNA before the first codon of the trpE gene (Figure 11-22). The trp leader sequence is unusually long for a prokaryotic mRNA, 160 bases, and detailed analyses have revealed how a part of this sequence works as an attenuator that governs the further transcription of trp mRNA.

Figure 11-22: The trp mRNA leader sequence contains an attenuator region and two tryptophan codons
Figure 11-22: In the trp mRNA leader sequence, the attenuator region precedes the trpE coding sequence. Farther upstream, at bases 54 through 59, are the two tryptophan codons (shown in red) of the leader peptide.
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The key observations are that, in the absence of the TrpR repressor protein, the presence of tryptophan halts transcription after the first 140 bases or so, whereas, in the absence of tryptophan, transcription of the operon continues. The mechanism for terminating or continuing transcription consists of two key elements. First, the trp mRNA leader sequence encodes a short, 14-amino-acid peptide that includes two adjacent tryptophan codons. Tryptophan is one of the least abundant amino acids in proteins, and it is encoded by a single codon. This pair of tryptophan codons is therefore an unusual feature. Second, parts of the trp mRNA leader form stem-and-loop structures that are able to alternate between two conformations. One of these conformations favors the termination of transcription (Figure 11-23a).

Figure 11-23: Abundant tryptophan attenuates transcription of the trp operon
Figure 11-23: Model for attenuation in the trp operon. (a) Proposed secondary structures in the conformation of trp leader mRNA that favors termination of transcription. Four regions can base-pair to form three stem-and-loop structures, but only two regions base-pair with one another at a given time. Thus, region 2 can base-pair with either region 1 or region 3. (b) When tryptophan is abundant, segment 1 of the trp mRNA is translated. Segment 2 enters the ribosome (although it is not translated), which enables segments 3 and 4 to base-pair. This base-paired region causes RNA polymerase to terminate transcription. (c) In contrast, when tryptophan is scarce, the ribosome is stalled at the codons of segment 1. Segment 2 interacts with segment 3 instead of being drawn into the ribosome, and so segments 3 and 4 cannot pair. Consequently, transcription continues.
[Data from D. L. Oxender, G. Zurawski, and C. Yanofsky, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 76, 1979, 5524]

The regulatory logic of the operon pivots on the abundance of tryptophan. When tryptophan is abundant, there is a sufficient supply of aminoacyl-tRNATrp to allow translation of the 14-amino-acid peptide. Recall that transcription and translation in bacteria are coupled; so ribosomes can engage mRNA transcripts and initiate translation before transcription is complete. The engagement of the ribosome alters trp mRNA conformation to the form that favors termination of transcription (where segments 3 and 4 form base pairs; Figure 11-23b). However, when tryptophan is scarce, the ribosome is stalled at the tryptophan codons, segments 2 and 3 base-pair, and transcription is able to continue (Figure 11-23c).

Other operons for enzymes in biosynthetic pathways have similar attenuation controls. One signature of amino acid biosynthesis operons is the presence of multiple codons for the amino acid being synthesized in a separate peptide encoded by the 5′ leader sequence. For instance, the phe operon has seven phenylalanine codons in a leader peptide and the his operon has seven tandem histidine codons in its leader peptide (Figure 11-24).

Figure 11-24: Leader peptides of amino acid biosynthesis operons
Figure 11-24: (a) The translated part of the trp leader region contains two consecutive tryptophan codons, (b) the phe leader sequence contains seven phenylalanine codons, and (c) the his leader sequence contains seven consecutive histidine codons.
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A second level of regulation in amino acid biosynthesis operons is attenuation of transcription mediated by the abundance of the amino acid and translation of a leader peptide.
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