Question 1

Which individual in Figure 18-3 has the most heterozygous loci, and which individual has the fewest?

Question 2

Suppose that the seven chromosomes in Figure 18-4a represent a random sample of chromosomes from a population.

  1. Calculate gene diversity (GD) separately for the indel, the microsatellite locus, and the SNP at position 3.

  2. If the sequence was shortened so that you had data only for positions 1 through 24, how many haplotypes would there be?

  3. Calculate the linkage disequilibrium parameter (D) between the SNPs at positions 29 and 33.

Question 3

Looking at Figure 18-6, can you count how many mitochondrial haplotypes were carried from Asia into the Americas?

Question 4

In Figure 18-13, the “unrelated” (blue) column for Japan is higher than the “unrelated” column for France. What does this tell you?

Question 5

In Figure 18-14, some individuals have unique SNP alleles—for example, the T allele at SNP4 occurs only in individual 12. Can you identify two individuals each of whom have unique alleles at two SNPs?

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Question 6

Looking at Figure 18-20, do people of the Middle East tend to have higher or lower levels of heterozygosity compared to the people of East Asia? Why might this be the case?


Question 7

What are the forces that can change the frequency of an allele in a population?

Question 8

What assumptions are made when using the Hardy–Weinberg formula to estimate genotypic frequencies from allele frequencies?

Question 9

In a population of mice, there are two alleles of the A locus (A1 and A2). Tests showed that, in this population, there are 384 mice of genotype A1/A1, 210 of A1/A2, and 260 of A2/A2. What are the frequencies of the two alleles in the population?

Question 10

In a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster, the alcohol dehydrogenase gene has two alleles called F (fast) and S (slow) with frequencies of Adh-F at 0.75 and Adh-S at 0.25. In a sample of 480 flies from this population, how many individuals of each genotypic class would you expect to observe under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium?

Question 11

In a randomly mating laboratory population of Drosophila, 4 percent of the flies have black bodies (encoded by the autosomal recessive b), and 96 percent have brown bodies (the wild type, encoded by B). If this population is assumed to be in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, what are the allele frequencies of B and b and the genotypic frequencies of B/B and B/b?

Question 12

In a population of a beetle species, you notice that there is a 3:1 ratio of shiny to dull wing covers. Does this ratio prove that the shiny allele is dominant? (Assume that the two states are caused by two alleles of one gene.) If not, what does it prove? How would you elucidate the situation?

Question 13

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disorder that occurs relatively frequently among people of European descent. In an Amish community in Ohio, medical researchers reported the occurrence of cystic fibrosis (CF) as being 1/569 live births. Using the Hardy–Weinberg rule, estimate the frequency of carriers of the disease allele in this Amish population.

Question 14

The relative fitness values of three genotypes are wA/A = 1.0, wA/a = 1.0, and wa/a = 0.7

  1. If the population starts at the allele frequency p = 0.5, what is the value of p in the next generation?

  2. What is the predicted equilibrium allele frequency if the rate of mutation of A to a is 2 × 10−5?

Question 15

A/A and A/a individuals are equally fertile. If 0.1 percent of the population is a/a, what selection pressure exists against a/a if the Aa mutation rate is 10−5? Assume that the frequencies of the alleles are at their equilibrium values.

Question 16

When alleles at a locus act in a semidominant fashion on fitness, the relative fitness of the heterozygote is midway between the two homozygous classes. For example, genotypes with semidominance at the A locus might have these relative fitnesses: wA/A = 1.0, wA/a = 0.9, and wa/a = 0.8.

  1. Change one of these fitness values so that a/a becomes a deleterious recessive allele.

  2. Change one of these fitness values so that A/A becomes a favored dominant allele.

Question 17

If the recessive allele for an X-linked recessive disease in humans has a frequency of 0.02 in the population, what proportion of individuals in the population will have the disease? Assume that the population is 50:50 male:female.

Question 18

Red-green color blindness is an X-linked recessive disorder in humans caused by mutations in one of the genes that encodes the light-sensitive protein, opsin. If the mutant allele has a frequency of 0.08 in the population, what proportion of females will be carriers? Assume that the population is 50:50 male:female.

Question 19

Is a new neutral mutation more likely to reach fixation in a large or small population?

Question 20

It seems clear that inbreeding causes a reduction in fitness. Can you explain why?

Question 21

In a population of 50,000 diploid individuals, what is the probability that a new neutral mutation will ultimately reach fixation? What is the probability that it will ultimately be lost from the population?

Question 22

Inbreeding in a population causes a deviation from Hardy–Weinberg expectations such that there are more homozygotes than expected. For a locus with a rare deleterious allele at a frequency of 0.04, what would be the frequency of homozygotes for the deleterious allele in populations with inbreeding coefficients of F = 0.0 and F = 0.125?

Question 23

Sickle-cell anemia is a recessive autosomal disorder that is caused by an amino acid substitution in the β-hemoglobin protein. The DNA mutation underlying this substitution is a SNP that alters a GAG codon for the amino acid glutamate to a GTG that codes a valine. The frequency of sickle-cell anemia among African Americans is about 1/400. What is the frequency of this GTG codon in the β-hemoglobin gene among African Americans?

Question 24

You have a sample of 10 DNA sequences of 100 bp in length from a section of highly conserved gene from 10 individuals of a species. The 10 sequences are almost entirely identical; however, each sequence carries one unique SNP not found in any of the others. What is the nucleotide diversity for this sample of sequences?

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Question 25

Figure 18-14 presents haplotype data for the G6PD gene in a worldwide sample of people.

  1. Draw a haplotype network for these haplotypes. Label the branches on which each SNP occurs.

  2. Which of the haplotypes has the most connections to other haplotypes?

  3. On what continents is this haplotype found?

  4. Counting the number of SNPs along the branches of your network, how many differences are there between haplotypes 1 and 12?

Question 26

Figure 18-12 shows a pedigree for the offspring of a half-sib mating.

  1. If the inbreeding coefficient for the common ancestor (A) in Figure 18-12 is 1/2, what is the inbreeding coefficient of I?

  2. If the inbreeding coefficient of individual I in Figure 18-12 is 1/8, what is the inbreeding coefficient of the common ancestor, A?

Question 27

Consider 10 populations that have the genotype frequencies shown in the following table:













































  1. Which of the populations are in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium?

  2. What are p and q in each population?

  3. In population 10, the Aa mutation rate is discovered to be 5 × 10 −6. What must be the fitness of the a/a phenotype if the population is at equilibrium?

  4. In population 6, the a allele is deleterious; furthermore, the A allele is incompletely dominant; so A/A is perfectly fit, A/a has a fitness of 0.8, and a/a has a fitness of 0.6. If there is no mutation, what will p and q be in the next generation?

Question 28

The hemoglobin B gene (Hb) has a common allele (A) of a SNP (rs334) that encodes the HbA form of (adult) hemoglobin and a rare allele (T) that encodes the sickling form of hemoglobin, HbS. Among 571 residents of a village in Nigeria, 440 were A/A and 129 were A/T, and 2 were T/T individuals were observed. Use the χ2 test to determine whether these observed genotypic frequencies fit Hardy–Weinberg expectations.

Question 29

A population has the following gametic frequencies at two loci: AB = 0.4, Ab = 0.1, aB = 0.1, and ab = 0.4. If the population is allowed to mate at random until linkage equilibrium is achieved, what will be the expected frequency of individuals that are heterozygous at both loci?

Question 30

Two species of palm trees differ by 50 bp in a 5000-bp stretch of DNA that is thought to be neutral. The mutation rate for these species is 2 × 10−8 substitutions per site per generation. The generation time for these species is five years. Estimate the time since these species had a common ancestor.

Question 31

Color blindness in humans is caused by an X-linked recessive allele. Ten percent of the males of a large and randomly mating population are color-blind. A representative group of 1000 people from this population migrates to a South Pacific island, where there are already 1000 inhabitants and where 30 percent of the males are color-blind. Assuming that Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium applies throughout (in the two original populations before the migration and in the mixed population immediately after the migration), what fraction of males and females can be expected to be color-blind in the generation immediately after the arrival of the migrants?

Question 32

Using pedigree diagrams, calculate the inbreeding coefficient (F) for the offspring of (a) parent-offspring matings; (b) first-cousin matings; (c) aunt-nephew or uncle–niece matings; (d) self-fertilization of a hermaphrodite.

Question 33

A group of 50 men and 50 women establish a colony on a remote island. After 50 generations of random mating, how frequent would a recessive trait be if it were at a frequency of 1/500 back on the mainland? The population remains the same size over the 50 generations, and the trait has no effect on fitness.

Question 34

Figure 18-22 shows 10 haplotypes from a population before a selective sweep and another 10 haplotypes many generations later after a selective sweep has occurred for this chromosomal region. There are 11 loci defining each haplotype, including one with a red allele that was the target of selection. In the figure, two loci are designated as A and B. These loci each have two alleles: one black and the other gray. Calculate the linkage disequilibrium parameter (D) between A and B, both before and after the selective sweep. What effect has the selective sweep had on the level of linkage disequilibrium?

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Question 35

The recombination rate (r) between linked loci A and B is 0.10. In a population, we observe the following haplo-typic frequencies:









  1. What is the level of linkage disequilibrium as measured by D in the present generation?

  2. What will D be in the next generation?

  3. What is the expected frequency of the Ab haplotype in the next generation?

  4. Using a spreadsheet computer software program, make a graph of the decline in D over 10 generations.

Question 36

Allele B is a deleterious autosomal dominant. The frequency of affected individuals is 4.0 × 10−6. The reproductive capacity of these individuals is about 30 percent that of normal individuals. Estimate μ, the rate at which b mutates to its deleterious allele B. Assume that the frequencies of the alleles are at their equilibrium values.

Question 37

What is the equilibrium heterozygosity for a SNP in a population of 50,000 when the mutation rate is 3 × 10 −8?

Question 38

Of 31 children born of father-daughter matings, 6 died in infancy, 12 were very abnormal and died in childhood, and 13 were normal. From this information, calculate roughly how many recessive lethal genes we have, on average, in our human genomes. (Hint: If the answer were 1, then a daughter would stand a 50 percent chance of carrying the lethal allele, and the probability of the union’s producing a lethal combination would be 1/2 × 1/4 = 1/8. So 1 is not the answer.) Consider also the possibility of undetected fatalities in utero in such matings. How would they affect your result?

Question 39

The B locus has two alleles B and b with frequencies of 0.95 and 0.05, respectively, in a population in the current generation. The genotypic fitnesses at this locus are wB/B = 1.0, wB/b = 1.0, and wb/b = 0.0

  1. What will the frequency of the b allele be in two generations?

  2. What will the frequency of the b allele be in two generations if the fitnesses were wB/B = 1.0, wB/b = 0.0, and wb/b = 0.0?

  3. Explain why there is a difference in the rate of change for the frequency of the b allele under parts (a) and (b) of this problem.

Question 40

The sd gene causes a lethal disease of infancy in humans when homozygous. One in 100,000 newborns die each year of this disease. The mutation rate from Sd to sd is 2 × 10 −4. What must the fitness of the heterozygote be to explain the observed gene frequency in view of the mutation rate? Assign a relative fitness of 1.0 to Sd/Sd homozygotes. Assume that the population is at equilibrium with respect to the frequency of sd.

Question 41

If we define the total selection cost to a population of deleterious recessive genes as the loss of fitness per individual affected (s) multiplied by the frequency of affected individuals (q2), then selection cost = sq2.

  1. Suppose that a population is at equilibrium between mutation and selection for a deleterious recessive allele, where s = 0.5 and μ = 10−5. What is the equilibrium frequency of the allele? What is the selection cost?

  2. Suppose that we start irradiating individual members of the population so that the mutation rate doubles. What is the new equilibrium frequency of the allele? What is the new selection cost?

  3. If we do not change the mutation rate but we lower the selection coefficient to 0.3 instead, what happens to the equilibrium frequency and the selection cost?

Question 42

Balancing selection acts to maintain genetic diversity at a locus since the heterozygous class has a greater fitness than the homozygous classes. Under this form of selection, the allele frequencies in the population approach an equilibrium point somewhere between 0 and 1. Consider a locus with two alleles A and a with frequencies p and q, respectively. The relative genotypic fitnesses are shown below, where s and g are the selective disadvantages of the two homozygous classes.





Relative fitness

1 − s


1 − g

  1. At equilibrium, the mean fitness of the A alleles (wA) will be equal to the mean fitness of the a alleles (wa) (see Box 18-7). Set the mean fitness of the A alleles (wA) equal to the mean fitness of the a alleles (wa). Solve the resulting equation for the frequency of the A allele. This is the expression for the equilibrium frequency of A ( ).

  2. Using the expression that you just derived, find when s = 0.2 and g = 0.8.

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