TABLE 10.1 | Annual number of tornadoes in the United States between 1953 and 2014 581 |
TABLE 10.2 | In- |
TABLE 10.3 | Sales price and assessed value (in thousands of $) of 35 homes in a midwestern city 602 |
TABLE 10.4 | Watershed area (km2), percent forest, and index of biotic integrity 603 |
TABLE 12.1 | Age at death for North American women writers 693 |
TABLE 13.1 | Iron content (mg/100 g) of food cooked in different pots 722 |
TABLE 13.2 | Tool diameter data 723 |
TABLE 16.1 | Degree of reading power scores for third- |
TABLE 16.2 | Aggressive behaviors of dementia patients 16- |
TABLE 16.3 | Serum retinol levels (μmol/l in two groups of children 16- |
TABLE 17.1 | Twenty control chart samples of water resistance (depth in mm) 17- |
TABLE 17.2 | Control chart constants 17- |
TABLE 17.3 | Twenty samples of size 3, with and s 17- |
TABLE 17.4 | Three sets of ’s from 20 samples of size 4 17- |
TABLE 17.5 | Twenty samples of size 4, with and s 17- |
TABLE 17.6 |
and s for 24 samples of elastomer viscosity (in Mooneys) 17- |
TABLE 17.7 |
and s for 24 samples of label placement (in inches) 17- |
TABLE 17.8 |
and s for 24 samples of label placement (in inches) 17- |
TABLE 17.9 | Hospital losses for 15 samples of DRG 209 patients 17- |
TABLE 17.10 | Daily calibration samples for a lunar bone densitometer 17- |
TABLE 17.11 |
and s for samples of bore diameter 17- |
TABLE 17.12 | Fifty control chart samples of call center response times 17- |
TABLE 17.13 | Proportions of workers absent during four weeks 17- |
TABLE 17.14 |
and s for samples of film thickness (mm × 10−4) 17- |