Succession is a process of change in communities over time

Traditionally ecologists have viewed succession as a progression of stages in which species come and go until a climax community arises. The climax community is thought to be a stable assemblage of species that experiences little change until an intense disturbance wipes out the community, sending it back to its initial stages again. As you will see later in this section, whether some communities reach a true stable end point is questionable. Let’s consider the mechanics of succession in more detail.

Succession is probably most easily observed after a catastrophic disturbance kills all the organisms in a community, leaving an environment devoid or nearly devoid of life. This type of change is known as primary succession. Glaciers, volcanic activity, and in some cases floods or landslides cause disturbance that initiates primary succession. Primary succession by its very nature can be slow because the early arrivals (known as pioneer or early successional species) must deal with extreme conditions. Many pioneer species deal with these conditions by employing certain *life history strategies or species interactions to their favor.

*connect the concept Life history strategies are the lifetime patterns of growth, reproduction, and survival of a species (see Key Concept 54.3). Pioneer species tend to have life history strategies that maximize population growth (r-strategists).

One of the best-known examples of primary succession is that seen in plant communities in the wake of the retreat of glaciers in Glacier Bay, Alaska (Figure 56.15A). Captain George Vancouver first recorded the location of glacial ice there in 1794, while exploring the west coast of North America. Over the last 200 years, the glaciers have retreated up the bay, scraping the landscape down to bare rock and leaving a series of moraines—gravel deposits dropped where the glacial front was stationary for a number of years. No human observer was present to observe changes over the entire 200-year period, but ecologists have inferred the temporal pattern of succession by studying the vegetation on moraines of different ages (Figure 56.15B). The youngest moraines, closest to the current glacial front, are populated with bacteria, fungi, and photosynthetic microorganisms that can support themselves on bare rock. Slightly older moraines farther from the glacial front are home to pioneer communities containing lichens, mosses, willows, and cottonwoods, which break down rocks and, when they die, decompose and contribute to the buildup of soil. Mosses and a few species of shallow-rooted shrubs in the genus Dryas eventually become established and contribute to soil building as they die and decompose. Still farther from the glacial front, successively older moraines have deeper soil layers that support shrubby willows and alder trees. Finally, a century after glacial retreat, a mature Sitka spruce forest dominates, fostering a diverse array of forest species.

Figure 56.15 Succession in Glacier Bay, Alaska (A) Over more than 200 years, the melting of glaciers has exposed bare rock and glacial moraines to colonization and succession. (B) As the community occupying a glacial moraine changes from an assemblage of pioneer plants such as Dryas to a spruce forest, soil depth increases and nitrogen accumulates in the soil.


Q: Based on the locations of the glaciers over time, indicate where the oldest and youngest communities (black dots) are located.

The oldest communities are located in the areas that have been exposed the longest since glacial retreat, such as the mouth of the bay, where succession has proceeded for 200 years. As the glaciers melt and retreat up the bay, the communities become younger and younger, with the youngest pioneer community closest to the glacial front.

Animation 56.1 Primary Succession on a Glacial Moraine

Nitrogen is virtually absent from glacial moraines, so the plants that grow best on recently formed moraines at Glacier Bay are Dryas and alders, both of which have nitrogen-fixing bacteria in nodules on their roots (see Figure 35.6B). Nitrogen fixation by these plants improves the soil so that spruce trees can grow (see Figure 56.15B). Spruces then outcompete and displace the early colonists. If the local climate does not change dramatically, a climax community dominated by spruce trees is likely to persist for many centuries on old moraines at Glacier Bay.


On Mount St. Helens, ecologists have had a unique opportunity to study primary succession from its inception. As described in the opening story, the alpine communities surrounding the lava dome experienced the greatest destruction; they were the first to be hit by an avalanche of mud and hot water and then pelted by hot, sterilizing pumice. This created the so-called Pumice Plain, an area completely lacking life, including any traces of organic matter. The first plant species to arrive, a year after the eruption, was the dwarf lupine (Lupinus lepidus). Dwarf lupines, like Dryas and alders, utilized the nitrogen produced by bacterial symbionts in root nodules to colonize the sterile environment of the Pumice Plain. They subsequently facilitated other species of plants by trapping seeds and detritus and increasing the overall nutrient content of the soil. By providing safe sites for seedlings to become established, the dwarf lupines greatly increased the rate of primary succession on Mount St. Helens. Because of the early inroads made by dwarf lupine, researchers documented roughly 20 plant species living on the Pumice Plain 20 years after the eruption.

A surprising discovery about primary succession on Mount St. Helens was the important role of animals in directing change. For example, scientists observed that newly formed and isolated ponds and lakes were colonized by amphibians at a faster rate than one might predict given the surrounding harsh conditions. Ecologists discovered that frogs and salamanders were using tunnels created by the northern pocket gopher (Thomomys talpoides) as refuges when they made their way from pond to pond across the dry landscape (Figure 56.16). Pocket gophers successfully survived the eruption by living in tunnels under the mud. They also benefitted by the expansion of their preferred habitat—grassy meadows—after the eruption. Pocket gophers facilitated plant succession through their burrowing activities, which brought to the surface organic matter, seeds, and fungal spores buried deep under the pumice.

Figure 56.16 Pocket Gophers to the Rescue The burrowing activity of northern pocket gophers, some of which survived the eruption underground, resulted in tunnels that amphibians used to move from one pond to another. It also brought organic matter, seeds, and fungal spores to the soil surface, creating microhabitats, like this one in the Pumice Plain, where plants can grow.


Q: Are pocket gophers keystone species, foundation species, and/or ecosystem engineering species?

Pocket gophers most closely fit the ecosystem engineering species definition because they are able to create, modify, and/or maintain physical habitat for themselves and other species through their burrowing activities. They might also be considered a keystone species because their effect is large relative to their size and abundance. However, keystone species are thought to act mostly through food webs by creating trophic cascades.

The other type of succession, known as secondary succession, involves the reestablishment of a community when most, but not all, organisms have been destroyed. Secondary succession is often initiated by human activities (such as clear cutting) as well as by natural disasters (such as storms and fires). Secondary succession is more common and it progresses more rapidly than primary succession. For example, even though the eruption of Mount St. Helens completely destroyed some areas near the blast zone, there were large areas where organisms survived and secondary succession took place.


investigating life

Rising from the Ashes


Original Paper: Crisafulli, C. M., J. A. MacMahon and R. R. Parmenter. 2005. Small mammal survival and colonization on the Mount St. Helens Volcano: 1980–2002. Pp. 199–218 in V. H. Dale, F. J. Swanson and C. M. Crisafulli, eds. Ecological Responses to the Eruption of Mount St. Helens. New York: Springer.

Charles Crisafulli and his colleagues were some of the first ecologists to study the successional processes on Mount St. Helens after the eruption. They concentrated on the recovery of small mammals in three types of communities that the eruption had disturbed in different ways: a primary successional community named the Pumice Plain, which experienced complete destruction of all living things, and two secondary successional communities: the Blowdown Zone, in which trees fell and the area was covered in mud but some life remained underground, and the Tephra-fall Zone, where the intact forests and meadows were covered in volcanic debris. An undisturbed reference area, 21 kilometers away from the mountain, was used as a control. To compare the initial survival and subsequent recovery of small mammals in primary versus secondary successional communities, the researchers conducted extensive trapping between 1982 and 2000 at several locations on Mount St. Helens and in the reference area.


work with the data

In addition to examining small mammal species richness, Crisafulli and his team were interested in the composition of those species and their abundance—data that could give them additional insights into the processes important to the species’ recovery (or lack thereof). Below are capture data from 2000 on the small mammal species composition and proportional abundance in the four different post-eruption communities.

Proportion of individuals
Small mammal species Pumice Plain Blowdown Zone Tephra-fall Zone Reference area
Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) 1.00 0.20 0.25 0.10
Yellow-pine chipmunk (Tamias amoenus) 0 0.40 0 0
Cascade golden-mantled ground squirrel (Spermophilus saturatus) 0 0.05 0 0
Creeping vole (Microtus oregoni) 0 0.10 0 0
Shrew mole (Neurotrichus gibbsii) 0 0.05 0 0
Trowbridge’s mole (Sorex trowbridgii) 0 0.10 0 0.05
Montane shrew (Sorex monticolus) 0 0.10 0.15 0.10
Southern red-backed vole (Clethrionomys gapperi) 0 0 0.45 0.65
Townsend’s chipmunk (Tamias townsendii) 0 0 0.05 0
Ermine (Mustela erminea) 0 0 0.05 0
Northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus) 0 0 0.05 0
Vagrant shrew (Sorex vagrans) 0 0 0 0.05
Northern water shrew (Sorex palustris) 0 0 0 0.05


Question 1

Using the data in the table above, calculate the species diversity of each of the post-eruption communities using the Shannon index (see Table 56.1). Which community has the lowest species diversity and which has the highest? How does this pattern compare with that of the species richness values for the four communities?


The Pumice Plain had the lowest species diversity (H = 0) and the Blowdown Zone had the highest species diversity (H = 1.68). The Pumice Plain had the lowest species richness (1 species) compared to the Blowdown Zone, which had the highest species richness (7 species). The Reference and the Tephra-fall Zone both had the same species richness (6 species).

Question 2

Plot species diversity versus the degree of disturbance from the eruption for the four communities. How well do the data fit the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (see Figure 56.10)? Explain.

The species diversity data for small mammals seem to fit the intermediate disturbance hypothesis well. As the degree of disturbance experienced by the four community types increases, so does species diversity of small mammals in those communities, up to a point—the Blowdown Zone. Species diversity then declines under the extreme conditions of the Pumice Plain.

The pattern of species diversity seen in small mammals in the Tephra-fall and Blowdown Zones could be determined by the variety of different habitats and resources that became available to them in the secondary successional communities that developed after the eruption. Compared with the reference area, these two communities likely foster more species and at a higher relative abundance because of these new resources. In the primary successional community of the Pumice Plain, though, the habitats and resources are not nearly as diverse or abundant and thus cannot support more than one small species.

Question 3

Consider the presence or absence of particular species in the four communities. Which species is present in all the communities? What does that suggest about its life history?

The deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) is the only species present in all four communities. This suggests that the deer mouse has a life history that allows it to live in primary, secondary, and climax successional communities. It is likely able to disperse widely, growth quickly, and reproduce often—all characteristics of an early successional, r-strategist species. The deer mouse is also likely to be an opportunistic and generalist species, living in a variety of habitats and feeding on a variety of food items.

Question 4

The Blowdown Zone, Tephra-fall Zone, and reference area all have similar species richness (7, 6, and 6 species, respectively), but how do they compare in terms of species composition? Do they appear to be similar? If not, why do you think this is the case?

The Tephra-fall and reference area communities have more species in common than the Blowdown Zone, but all three communities have their own characteristic small mammal species assemblages. Given that each community is represented by a different successional stage, with vegetation characteristic of secondary and climax successional communities, it makes sense that the species composition of the small mammals inhabiting those communities will reflect these differences.

A similar work with the data exercise may be assigned in LaunchPad.

Ecologists compared primary and secondary succession on Mount St. Helens by following small mammals in the community. As we mentioned in the chapter opening, different Mount St. Helens communities experienced different levels of disturbance from the eruption. Investigating Life: Rising from the Ashes describes research by Charles Crisafulli and colleagues at the USDA Forest Service, showing that the recovery of small mammal populations on Mount St. Helens varied significantly between primary and secondary successional habitats. The Pumice Plain (primary successional habitat completely devoid of life after the eruption) had the lowest species richness of small mammals, a pattern that persisted for at least 20 years. In contrast, small mammal populations recovered relatively quickly in the Blowdown Zone and the Tephra-fall Zone (secondary successional forest in which some life survived under downed trees and ash fall). In fact, within a few years, the number of small mammals in these two zones was similar to that in the undisturbed reference area 21 kilometers away. This comparison makes clear that the starting conditions characterizing secondary succession are critical in giving communities a “head start” in their recovery.