Ras, a GTPase Switch Protein, Operates Downstream of Most RTKs and Cytokine Receptors

Like the Gα subunits in trimeric G proteins discussed in Chapter 15, monomeric Ras proteins are “switch” proteins that alternate between an active “on” state with a bound GTP and an inactive “off” state with a bound GDP (see Figures 15-4 and 15-5 to review this concept). Unlike trimeric G proteins, Ras is not directly linked to cell-surface receptors. Like that of trimeric G proteins, Ras activity is regulated by several other proteins. Ras activation is accelerated by a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF), which binds to the Ras·GDP complex, causing dissociation of the bound GDP (see Figure 15-4). As with other G proteins, GTP binds spontaneously to “empty” Ras molecules, forming the active Ras·GTP.

Ras (~170 amino acids) is smaller than Gα proteins (~300 amino acids), but the GTP-binding domains of the two protein types have a similar structure (see Figure 15-5 to review the structure of Ras). Hydrolysis of the bound GTP to GDP deactivates Ras. Structural and biochemical studies show that Gα proteins contain a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) domain that increases the intrinsic rate of GTP hydrolysis. Because this domain is not present in Ras, that protein has an intrinsically slower rate of GTP hydrolysis. Thus the average lifetime of a GTP bound to Ras is about 1 minute, which is much longer than the average lifetime of a Gα·GTP complex. Because the intrinsic GTPase activity of Ras·GTP is low compared with that of Gα·GTP, Ras·GTP requires the assistance of another protein, a GTPase-activating protein (GAP), to deactivate it. Binding of a GAP to Ras·GTP accelerates the intrinsic GTPase activity of Ras by more than a hundredfold; the actual hydrolysis of GTP to GDP and Pi is catalyzed by amino acids from both Ras and GAP. In particular, insertion of one of GAP’s arginine side chains into the Ras active site stabilizes an intermediate in the hydrolysis reaction.

Caduceus symbolMammalian Ras proteins have been studied in great detail because mutant Ras proteins are associated with many types of human cancer. These mutant proteins, which bind but cannot hydrolyze GTP, are permanently in the “on” state and contribute to oncogenic transformation (see Chapter 24). Determination of the three-dimensional structure of the Ras-GAP complex and tests of mutant forms of Ras explained the puzzling observation that most oncogenic, constitutively active Ras proteins (RasD) contain a mutation at position 12. Replacement of the normal glycine 12 with any other amino acid (except proline) blocks the functional binding of GAP proteins and in essence “locks” Ras in the active GTP-bound state.

The first indication that Ras functions downstream from RTKs in a common signaling pathway came from experiments in which cultured fibroblast cells were induced to proliferate by treatment with a mixture of two protein hormones that activate RTKs: PDGF and EGF. Microinjection of anti-Ras antibodies into these cells blocked cell proliferation. Conversely, injection of RasD, a constitutively active mutant Ras protein that hydrolyzes GTP very inefficiently and thus persists in the active state, caused the cells to proliferate in the absence of the growth factors. These findings are consistent with studies, using the pull-down assay method detailed in Figure 15-11, in which addition of FGF to fibroblasts led to a rapid increase in the proportion of Ras present in the GTP-bound active form. However, as we will see, an activated RTK (or cytokine receptor) cannot directly activate Ras. Instead, other proteins must first be recruited to the activated receptor, where they serve as adapters.

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