22.4 Sensing the Environment: Touch, Pain, Taste, and Smell
Our bodies are constantly receiving signals from our environment—light, sound, smells, tastes, mechanical stimulation, heat, and cold, and our perception of these signals is mediated by the brain. In recent years dramatic progress has been made in understanding how our senses record impressions of the outside world, and how the brain processes that information. For example, in Chapter 15 we analyzed the functions of one of the two types of photoreceptors in the human retina, the rods, and learned how they serve as primary recipients of visual stimulation. Rods are stimulated by weak light, like moonlight, over a range of wavelengths, while the other photoreceptors, the cones, mediate color vision. These photoreceptors synapse on layer upon layer of interneurons that are innervated by different combinations of photoreceptor cells. These signals are processed and interpreted by the part of the brain called the visual cortex, where these nerve impulses are translated into an image of the world around us.
In this section we discuss the cellular and molecular mechanisms and specialized nerve cells underlying several of our other senses: touch and pain, taste, and smell. We see how two broad classes of receptors—ion channels and G protein–coupled receptors—function in these sensing processes. As with vision, multiple interneurons connect these sensory cells with the brain, where relayed signals are converted into perceptions of the environment. For the most part, we still do not fully understand how these neural subsystems are wired, although the new technology of optogenetics is beginning to make inroads into mapping these circuits. In the case of smell, each sensory neuron expresses a single odorant receptor, and we shall see how multiple sensory neurons that express the same receptor activate the same brain center. The connections between odorant binding and perception by the brain are thus direct and fairly well understood.