Understanding Western Society
Printed Page 706

Introduction for Chapter 23




>How did nationalism shape the development of Western government and political life in the second half of the nineteenth century? Chapter 23 examines the rise of nationalism and the nation-state in the nineteenth century. In the years that followed the revolutions of 1848, Western society progressively developed, for better or worse, an effective organizing principle capable of coping with the many-sided challenges of the unfinished industrial and political revolutions and the emerging urban society. That principle was nationalism — mass identification with the nation-state. Just as industrialization and urbanization had brought vast changes to class relations, family lifestyles, science, and culture, the triumph of nationalism remade territorial boundaries and forged new relations between the nation-state and its citizens.


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Life in the Age of Nationalism. Conscripts in a small Italian village cheer a speech by a local dignitary as a soldier says good-bye to his family before joining the army in the field. (De Agostini Picture Library/A. Dagli Orti/The Bridgeman Art Library)


1839–1876 1880s
– Western-style Tanzimat reforms in Ottoman Empire – Educational reforms in France create a secular public school system
1852–1870 1880s–1890s
– Reign of Napoleon III in France – Widespread return to protectionism among European states
1859–1870 1883
– Unification of Italy – First social security laws to help workers in Germany
1861 1890–1900
– Freeing of Russian serfs – Witte initiates second surge of Russian industrialization
1861–1865 1905
– U.S. Civil War – Revolution in Russia
1866 1906–1914
– Austro-Prussian War – Social reform in Great Britain
1870–1871 1908
– Franco-Prussian War – Young Turks seize power in Ottoman Empire
1870–1878 1873
– Kulturkampf, Bismarck’s attack on the Catholic Church – Stock market crash spurs renewed anti-Semitism, beginning in central and eastern Europe