Quiz for Document Project 33: The Immigration Debate

  1. Question

    Correct: The answer is a. According to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, an immigrant’s skills and potential benefit to the U.S. economy were considered as factors for admission, as well as family relationships to U.S. citizens.
    Incorrect: The answer is a. According to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, an immigrant’s skills and potential benefit to the U.S. economy were considered as factors for admission, as well as family relationships to U.S. citizens.
    After 1965, which of the following criteria were used to determine eligibility for legal immigration to the United States (see Document 33.1)?
  2. Question

    Correct: The answer is b. One part of President Barack Obama’s four-part plan to reform immigration policy is to crack down on employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers.
    Incorrect: The answer is b. One part of President Barack Obama’s four-part plan to reform immigration policy is to crack down on employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers.
    How does President Barack Obama’s immigration plan address the employment of undocumented immigrants? (see Document 33.2)?
  3. Question

    Correct: The answer is d. The demonstrator carrying a sign that says “We are America” might likely believe that immigrants contribute positively to American society.
    Incorrect: The answer is d. The demonstrator carrying a sign that says “We are America” might likely believe that immigrants contribute positively to American society.
    With which of these statements might the demonstrator in Document 33.3 agree?
  4. Question

    Correct: The answer is a. Some people with anti-immigration feelings worry that undocumented workers are a threat to U.S. workers.
    Incorrect: The answer is a. Some people with anti-immigration feelings worry that undocumented workers are a threat to U.S. workers.
    Why would the protestor in Document 33.4 believe that deporting undocumented workers would lead to more jobs in the United States?