Quiz for Global Trade: Pottery

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Correct: The answer is d. Neolithic peoples faced the challenge of storing surplus food produced through farming. In response to this challenge, they invented pottery.
Incorrect: The answer is d. Neolithic peoples faced the challenge of storing surplus food produced through farming. In response to this challenge, they invented pottery.
1. The creation of pottery dates back to what period?


Correct: The answer is b. The amphora became the basic storage container for maritime shipping.
Incorrect: The answer is b. The amphora became the basic storage container for maritime shipping.
2. What is an amphora?


Correct: The answer is d. Dependable and versatile, amphoras were widely used from the fourth century B.C.E. to the beginning of the Middle Ages.
Incorrect: The answer is d. Dependable and versatile, amphoras were widely used from the fourth century B.C.E. to the beginning of the Middle Ages.
3. What explains the sustained popularity of amphoras?


Correct: The answer is a. The decorations on Greek pottery offered a glimpse of Greek ideas, beliefs, and values.
Incorrect: The answer is a. The decorations on Greek pottery offered a glimpse of Greek ideas, beliefs, and values.
4. How did pottery help spread Greek culture throughout the Mediterranean and beyond?


Correct: The answer is a. Industrial-scale kilns allowed Roman manufacturers to fire tens of thousands of pots at once.
Incorrect: The answer is a. Industrial-scale kilns allowed Roman manufacturers to fire tens of thousands of pots at once.
5. What contribution did the Romans make to the manufacture of pottery?