Understanding World Societies:
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Economic motives played an important role in the extension of political empires, especially of the British Empire. By the 1870s France, Germany, and the United States were rapidly industrializing. For a century Great Britain had been the “workshop of the world,” the dominant modern industrial power. Now it was losing its industrial leadership, as its share of global manufacturing output dropped from 33 percent to just 14 percent between 1870 and 1914, and facing increasingly tough competition in foreign markets. In this changing environment of widening economic internationalism, the world experienced one of the worse economic depressions in history, the Long Depression, which lasted from 1873 to 1879. To protect home industries, America and Europe (except for Britain and the Netherlands) raised tariff barriers, abandoning the century-
Economic gains from the new imperialism proved limited, however, before 1914. The new colonies were too poor to buy much, and they offered few immediately profitable investments. Nonetheless, colonies became important for political and diplomatic reasons. Each leading European country considered them crucial to national security, military power, and international prestige.
Colonial rivalries reflected the increasing aggressiveness of Social Darwinian theories of brutal competition among races (see “Science for the Masses” in Chapter 24). From a Social Darwinist perspective, European nations, considered as racially distinct parts of the dominant white race, had to seize colonies to prove their strength and virility. Moreover, since racial struggle was nature’s inescapable law, the conquest of “inferior” peoples was just. Social Darwinism and harsh racial doctrines fostered imperialist expansion.
So, too, did the industrial world’s unprecedented technological and military superiority. Three developments were crucial. First, the rapidly firing machine gun was an ultimate weapon in many unequal battles. Second, newly discovered quinine effectively controlled malaria attacks, which had previously decimated Europeans in the tropics. Third, the introduction of steam power (see “Steam-Powered Transportation” in Chapter 23) strengthened the Western powers in two ways. Militarily, they could swiftly transport their armies by sea or rail where they were most needed. Economically, steamships with ever-
Domestic political and class conflicts also contributed to overseas expansion. Conservative political leaders often manipulated colonial issues in order to divert popular attention from domestic problems and to create a false sense of national unity. Imperial propagandists relentlessly stressed that colonies benefited workers as well as capitalists, and they encouraged the masses to savor foreign triumphs and imperial glory.
Finally, special-