One of the Common Threads discussed in Chapter 1 is the commercial nature of mass media. The Internet is no exception, as advertisers have capitalized on its ability to be customized. How might this affect other media industries?
People love the simplicity of Pinterest, the visual social media site where users “pin” images and videos to their “board,” creating a customized site that reflects their own personal style on topics like home décor, apparel, food, crafts, or travel. To sign up for an account, users provide their name, e-
Pinterest is just one example of the mass customization the Internet offers—
We have become a society divided by the media, often split into our basic entity: the individual. One would think that advertisers dislike this, since it is easier to reach a mass audience by showing commercials during The Voice. But mass customization gives advertisers the kind of personal information they once only dreamed about: your e-
The definitions for the terms listed below can be found in the glossary at the end of the book. The page numbers listed with the terms indicate where the term is highlighted in the chapter.
The Development of the Internet and the Web
When did the Internet reach the novelty (development), entrepreneurial, and mass medium stages?
How did the Internet originate? What role did the government play?
How does the World Wide Web work? What is its significance in the development of the Internet?
Why did Google become such a force in Web searching?
The Web Goes Social
What is the difference between a “Read/Only” culture and a “Read/Write” culture on the Internet?
What are the six main types of social media?
What are the democratic possibilities of social media? How can social media aid political repression?
Convergence and Mobile Media
What conditions enabled media convergence?
What role do mobile devices play in media convergence, and what significant mobile milestones can you think of?
How has convergence changed our relationship with media and with the Internet?
What elements of today’s digital world are part of the Semantic Web?
The Economics and Issues of the Internet
Which of the five major digital companies are most aligned with the “open Internet,” and which are most aligned with the “closed Internet”?
What is the role of data mining in the digital economy? What are the ethical concerns?
What is the digital divide, and what is being done to close the gap?
Why is net neutrality such an important issue?
What are the major alternative voices on the Internet?
The Internet and Democracy
How can the Internet make democracy work better?
What are the key challenges to making the Internet itself more democratic?
What possibilities for the Internet’s future are you most excited about? Why? What possibilities are most troubling? Why?
What advantages of media convergence enable all types of media content to be accessed on a single device?
Google’s corporate motto is “Don’t be evil.” Which of the five major digital corporations (Microsoft, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook) seems to have the greatest tendency for evil? Which seems to do the most good? Why?
As we move from a print-
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target="_pop"VIDEO: USER-GENERATED CONTENT Editors, producers, and advertisers discuss the varieties of user-