39.1 Respiration and circulation depend on diffusion over short distances and bulk flow over long distances.
Diffusion is effective only over short distances and requires large exchange surface areas with thin barriers. page 828
Ventilation and circulation provide bulk flow over long distances. page 829
Oxygen is delivered to tissues in four steps: (1) bulk flow of water or air past the respiratory surface (gills and lungs); (2) diffusion of O2 across the respiratory surface into the circulatory system; (3) bulk flow through the circulatory system; and (4) diffusion of O2 into tissues and cells. page 829
39.2 Respiration provides oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide in support of cellular metabolism.
Many aquatic animals exchange respiratory gases with water through gills. page 830
Countercurrent flow of water relative to blood in gills enhances O2 extraction from water. page 831
Terrestrial animals breathe air by means of internal tracheae or lungs. page 832
Terrestrial vertebrates inflate and deflate their lungs by bidirectional tidal ventilation driven by changes in pressure. page 832
Unidirectional flow of air maximizes O2 uptake by bird lungs. page 834
Both the voluntary and involuntary nervous systems control breathing. page 835
39.3 Red blood cells produce hemoglobin, greatly increasing the amount of oxygen transported by the blood.
Hemoglobin greatly increases the capacity of the blood to transport O2. page 836
Red blood cells contain hemoglobin with iron-
A sigmoidal O2-dissociation curve describes the change in the binding affinity of hemoglobin for O2 with changes in partial pressure. The shape of the curve results from cooperative binding of O2 by hemoglobin. page 838
Myoglobin binds and stores O2 in muscle cells, increasing the delivery of O2 to muscle mitochondria for activity in general and for diving in marine mammals. page 838
Fetal hemoglobin is expressed by the mammalian fetus to allow O2 uptake from the mother’s blood. page 839
The affinity of hemoglobin for O2 is reduced by a decrease in pH and an increase in CO2 levels. page 839
39.4 Circulatory systems have vessels of different sizes that facilitate bulk flow and diffusion.
The fluid in an open circulatory system moves through only a few vessels and is mostly contained within the animal’s body cavity. page 840
The fluid in a closed circulatory system travels through a set of internal vessels, moved by a pump, the heart. page 840
Resistance to blood flow is most strongly controlled by vessel radius. page 841
Arteries are thick-
Capillaries are small-
Arterioles control blood flow within the body by changing their resistance through contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls. page 842
Veins are thin-
Liquids, gases, and other compounds move across capillary walls by diffusion, filtration, and osmosis. In vertebrates, some fluid is returned to the bloodstream by the lymphatic system. page 843
39.5 The evolution of animal hearts reflects selection for a high metabolic rate, achieved by increasing the delivery of oxygen to metabolically active cells.
Fish have two-
Amphibians and reptiles have three-
Birds and mammals have four-
The cardiac cycle has discrete ventricular filling (diastole) and ventricular emptying (systole) phases. page 847
Cardiac muscle cells are electrically connected, allowing them to contract in synchrony as a unified heartbeat. page 847
Contraction of the heart is controlled by signals from pacemaker cells of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes, transmitted by electrical conducting fibers to the ventricles. page 847
The vertebrate autonomic nervous system regulates the heart’s cardiac output by changes in heart rate and stroke volume. page 848
Diagram the four basic steps of O2 transport from an animal’s respiratory medium (air or water) to its cells.
Describe two features of the gills of aquatic animals that favor diffusion of O2 and CO2.
Gills are composed of stacks of lamellae, each made up of a thin layer of flattened epithelial cells. The lamellae provide both a large surface area for gas exchange and a short distance for the diffusion of gases between the blood of the aquatic animal and the passing water.
Name two differences in the physical properties of water and of air that affect gas exchange in aquatic versus terrestrial animals.
Aquatic animals must be very efficient at extracting oxygen from the water because the oxygen content in water is much lower than in air, and water is more viscous and dense than air, so more energy is required to move water by bulk flow during ventilation.
Explain how the tracheal respiratory system of insects enables high metabolic rates.
Since the air tubes of an insect’s tracheal system are highly branched, each of its body cells is in close proximity to the tracheal system. This allows for rapid diffusion of oxygen from the air in the trachea directly into the body cells of the insect. There is no respiratory surface or circulatory system.
Explain how gill respiration is facilitated by unidirectional water flow, whereas lung ventilation can depend on bidirectional airflow.
Gill respiration maximizes the efficiency of gas exchange by using unidirectional water flow. Because water is pumped across the gills in one direction, the supply of oxygen is continuous and uninterrupted. This efficient system allows gill-
Describe the pressure changes that are needed to draw air into the lungs and to expel air out of the lungs.
During inhalation, the volume of the thoracic cavity is increased by contraction of the diaphragm. This increase in volume creates negative pressure inside the lungs that draws air into the lungs. During exhalation, the volume of the thoracic cavity is decreased by relaxation of the diaphragm. This decrease in volume creates positive pressure, expelling air out of the lungs.
Explain how cooperative binding by hemoglobin facilitates O2 uptake into blood.
Once hemoglobin binds one molecule of O2, its affinity for binding additional O2 molecules dramatically increases. This cooperative binding maximizes uptake of O2 in areas of high oxygen content and allows for rapid saturation of O2 binding sites in hemoglobin before the blood leaves the capillaries surrounding the alveoli of the lungs.
Explain how the branching of larger arteries into many smaller vessels affects the rate of and resistance to blood flow in the smaller vessels.
Since resistance to blood flow is proportional to 1/r4 (where r is the radius of the blood vessel), as arteries branch into smaller vessels, the resistance to blood flow increases. The increase in resistance causes a proportional decrease in the rate of blood flow.
Diagram the path of blood flow through the heart, lungs, and body of a fish and of a mammal or bird.
Describe two mechanisms by which the cardiac output of an animal’s heart can be adjusted and indicate which is more important for increasing cardiac output in mammals and which is more important in fish.
Cardiac output can be adjusted by changing either how fast the heart pumps the blood (heart rate) or how much blood is pumped through the heart in each cardiac cycle (stroke volume). Mammals, including humans, increase cardiac output mainly by increasing heart rate in response to signals from the nervous system, whereas fish typically increase stroke volume to increase cardiac output.