3.2 Common Types of Graphs

Graphs are powerful because they can display the relation between two or more variables in just one image. We first show you how to create scatterplots and line graphs—types of graphs that have two scale variables. Then we learn how to create—and criticize—graphs with just one nominal variable: bar graphs, pictorial graphs, and pie charts.


  • A scatterplot is a graph that depicts the relation between two scale variables.

A scatterplot is a graph that depicts the relation between two scale variables. The values of each variable are marked along the two axes, and a mark is made to indicate the intersection of the two scores for each participant. The mark is above the participant’s score on the x-axis and across from the score on the y-axis. We suggest that you think through your graph by sketching it by hand before creating it on a computer.


Figure 3-5 describes the relation between the number of hours students spent studying and the students’ grades on a statistics exam. In this example, the independent variable (x, on the horizontal axis) is the number of hours spent studying, and the dependent variable (y, on the vertical axis) is the grade on the statistics exam.

Figure 3.5: FIGURE 3-5
Scatterplot of Hours Spent Studying and Statistics Grades
This scatterplot depicts the relation between hours spent studying and grades on a statistics exam. Each dot represents one student’s score on the independent variable along the x-axis and on the dependent variable along the y-axis.

The scatterplot in Figure 3-5 suggests that more hours studying is associated with higher grades; it includes each participant’s two scores (one for hours spent studying and the other for grade received) that reveal the overall pattern of scores. In this scatterplot, the values on both axes go down to 0, but they don’t have to. Sometimes the scores are clustered and the pattern in the data might be clearer by adjusting the range on one or both axes. (If it’s not practical for the scores to go down to 0, be sure to indicate this with cut marks.)

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3-2: Scatterplots and line graphs are used to depict relations between two scale variables.

  • A range-frame is a scatterplot or related graph that indicates the range of the data on each axis; the lines extend only from the minimum to the maximum scores.

Edward R. Tufte’s (1997/2005, 2001/2006b, 2006a) beautiful books demonstrate simple ways to create clearer graphs. One guideline is to increase the “data-ink ratio”—display more data with less ink. For example, a range-frame is a scatterplot or related graph that indicates the range of the data on each axis to the minimum and maximum scores. Eliminating the ends of the axes in Figure 3-6 frames the same data from Figure 3-5 within its minimum and maximum values, and increases the data-to-ink ratio.

To create a scatterplot:

  1. Organize the data by participant; each participant will have two scores, one on each scale variable.

  2. Label the horizontal x-axis with the name of the independent variable and its possible values, starting with 0 if practical.

  3. Label the vertical y-axis with the name of the dependent variable and its possible values, starting with 0 if practical.

  4. Make a mark on the graph above each study participant’s score on the x-axis and next to his or her score on the y-axis.

  5. To convert to a range-frame, simply erase the axes below the minimum score and above the maximum score.

Figure 3.6: FIGURE 3-6
A Range-Frame Improves on a Scatterplot
A range-frame is a traditional scatterplot that indicates the minimum and maximum observed values on the axes by erasing all ink beyond these points. This simple alteration increases the ratio of ink dedicated to actual data to overall printed ink in this graph.
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Figure 3.7: FIGURE 3-7
Nonlinear Relations
The Yerkes–Dodson law predicts that stress/anxiety improves test performance—but only to a point. Too much anxiety leads to an inability to perform at one’s best. This inverted U-curve illustrates the concept, but a scatterplot would better clarify the particular relation between these two variables.

A scatterplot between two scale variables can tell three possible stories. First, there may be no relation at all; in this case, the scatterplot looks like a jumble of random dots. This is an important scientific story if we previously believed that there was a systematic pattern between the two variables.

  • A linear relation between variables means that the relation between variables is best described by a straight line.

Second, a linear relation between variables means that the relation between variables is best described by a straight line. When the linear relation is positive, the pattern of data points flows upward and to the right. When the linear relation is negative, the pattern of data points flows downward and to the right. The data story about hours studying and statistics grades in Figures 3-5 and 3-6 indicates a positive, linear relation.

  • A nonlinear relation between variables means that the relation between variables is best described by a line that breaks or curves in some way.

A nonlinear relation between variables means that the relation between variables is best described by a line that breaks or curves in some way. Nonlinear simply means “not straight,” so there are many possible nonlinear relations between variables. For example, the Yerkes–Dodson law described in Figure 3-7 predicts the relation between level of arousal and test performance. As professors, we don’t want you so relaxed that you don’t even show up for the test, but we also don’t want you so stressed out that you have a panic attack. You will maximize your performance somewhere in the happy middle described by a nonlinear relation (in this case, an upside-down U-curve).

Line Graphs

  • A line graph is used to illustrate the relation between two scale variables.

A line graph is used to illustrate the relation between two scale variables. One type of line graph is based on a scatterplot and allows us to construct a line of best fit that represents the predicted y score for each x value. A second type of line graph allows us to visualize changes in the values on the y-axis over time.


The first type of line graph, based on a scatterplot, is especially useful because the line of best fit minimizes the distances between all the data points from that line. That allows us to use the x value to predict the y value and make predictions based on only one piece of information. For example, we can use the line of best fit in Figure 3-8 to predict that a student will earn a test score of about 62 if she studies for 2 hours; if she studies for 13 hours, she will earn a score of about 100. For now, we can simply eyeball the scatterplot and draw a line of best fit; in Chapter 14, you will learn how to calculate a line of best fit.

Figure 3.8: FIGURE 3-8
The Line of Best Fit
The line of best fit allows us to make predictions about a person’s value on the y variable from his or her value on the x variable.
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Here is a recap of the steps to create a scatterplot with a line of best fit:

  1. Label the x-axis with the name of the independent variable and its possible values, starting with 0 if practical.

  2. Label the y-axis with the name of the dependent variable and its possible values, starting with 0 if practical.

  3. Make a mark above each study participant’s score on the x-axis and next to his or her score on the y-axis.

  4. Visually estimate and sketch the line of best fit through the points on the scatterplot.

  5. Consider maximizing the data-ink ratio by converting to a range frame: Erase the axes below the minimum score and above the maximum score.

  • A time plot, or time series plot, is a graph that plots a scale variable on the y-axis as it changes over an increment of time (e.g., second, day, century) labeled on the x-axis.

A second situation in which a line graph is more useful than just a scatterplot involves time-related data. A time plot, or time series plot, is a graph that plots a scale variable on the y-axis as it changes over an increment of time (for example, hour, day, century) labeled on the x-axis. As with a scatterplot, marks are placed above each value on the x-axis (for example, at a given hour) at the value for that particular time on the y-axis (i.e., the score on the dependent variable). These marks are then connected with a line. It is possible to graph several lines on the same graph in a time plot, as long as the lines use the same scale variable on the y-axis. With multiple lines, the viewer can compare the trends for different levels of another variable.


Figure 3-9, for example, shows positive attitudes and negative attitudes around the world, as expressed on Twitter. The researchers analyzed more than half a billion tweets over the course of 24 hours (Golder & Macy, 2011) and plotted separate lines for each day of the week. These fascinating data tell many stories. For example, people tend to express more positive attitudes and fewer negative attitudes in the morning than later in the day; people express more positive attitudes on the weekends than during the week; and the weekend morning peak in positive attitudes is later than during the week, perhaps an indication that people are sleeping in.

Here is a recap of the steps to create a time plot:

  1. Label the x-axis with the name of the independent variable and its possible values. The independent variable should be an increment of time (e.g., hour, month, year).

  2. Label the y-axis with the name of the dependent variable and its possible values, starting with 0 if practical.

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  3. Make a mark above each value on the x-axis at the value for that time on the y-axis.

  4. Connect the dots.

  5. As you did with the scatterplot, consider maximizing the data–ink ratio by converting to a range-frame: Erase the y-axis below the minimum y value and above the maximum y value.

Figure 3.9: FIGURE 3-9
Hourly Moods as Seen Through Twitter
Researchers tracked positive attitudes and negative attitudes expressed through Twitter over the course of a day and from around the globe (Golder & Macy, 2011). Time plots allow for multiple scale variables on one graph. In this case, there are separate lines for each day of the week, allowing us to see, for example, that the lines for Saturday and Sunday tend to be highest for positive attitudes and lowest for negative attitudes across the day.

Bar Graphs

  • A bar graph is a visual depiction of data in which the independent variable is nominal or ordinal and the dependent variable is scale. The height of each bar typically represents the average value of the dependent variable for each category.

A bar graph is a visual depiction of data in which the independent variable is nominal or ordinal and the dependent variable is scale. The height of each bar typically represents the average value of the dependent variable for each category. The independent variable on the x-axis could be either nominal (such as gender) or ordinal (such as Olympic medal winners who won gold, silver, or bronze medals). We could even combine two independent variables in a single graph by drawing two separate clusters of bars to compare men’s and women’s finishing times of the gold, silver, and bronze medalists.

Here is a recap of the variables used to create a bar graph:

  1. The x-axis of a bar graph indicates discrete levels of a nominal variable or an ordinal variable.

  2. The y-axis of a bar graph may represent counts or percentages. But the y-axis of a bar graph can also indicate many other scale variables, such as average running speeds, scores on a memory task, or reaction times.


3-3: Bar graphs depict data for two or more categories. They tell a data story more precisely than do either pictorial graphs or pie charts.

  • A Pareto chart is a type of bar graph in which the categories along the x-axis are ordered from highest bar on the left to lowest bar on the right.

Bar graphs are flexible tools for presenting data visually. For example, if there are many categories to be displayed along the horizontal x-axis, researchers sometimes create a Pareto chart, a type of bar graph in which the categories along the x-axis are ordered from highest bar on the left to lowest bar on the right. This ordering allows easier comparisons and easier identification of the most common and least common categories.

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Figure 3-10 shows two different ways of depicting the percentage of Internet users in a given country who visited Twitter.com in June 2010. One graph is an alphabetized bar graph; the other is a Pareto chart. Where does Canada’s usage fit relative to that of other countries? Which graph makes it is easier to answer that question?

Figure 3.10: FIGURE 3-10
The Flexibility of the Bar Graph
The standard bar graph provides a comparison of Twitter usage among 14 levels of a nominal dependent variable, country. The Pareto chart, a version of a bar graph, orders the countries from highest to lowest along the horizontal axis, which allows us to more easily pick out the highest and lowest bars. We can more easily see that Canada places in the middle of these countries, and that the United States and the United Kingdom are toward the bottom. We have to do more work to draw these conclusions from the original bar graph.


Bar graphs can help us understand the answers to interesting questions. For example, researchers wondered whether piercings and tattoos, once seen as indicators of a “deviant” worldview, had become mainstream (Koch, Roberts, Armstrong, & Owen, 2010). They surveyed 1753 college students with respect to numbers of piercings and tattoos, as well as about a range of destructive behaviors including academic cheating, illegal drug use, and number of arrests (aside from traffic arrests). The bar graph in Figure 3-11 depicts one finding: The likelihood of having been arrested was fairly similar among all groups, except among those with four or more tattoos, 70.6% of whom reported having been arrested at least once. A magazine article about this research advised parents, “So, that butterfly on your sophomore’s ankle is not a sign she is hanging out with the wrong crowd. But if she comes home for spring break covered from head to toe, start worrying” (Jacobs, 2010).

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Figure 3.11: FIGURE 3-11
Bar Graphs Highlight Differences Between Averages or Percentages
This bar graph depicts the percentages of university students who have been arrested at least once (other than in a traffic arrest). The researchers measured four groups: those with no tattoos, one tattoo, two to three tattoos, or four or more tattoos. A bar graph can more vividly depict differences between percentages than just the typed numbers themselves can: 8.5, 18.7, 12.7, and 70.6.
Figure 3.12: FIGURE 3-12
Deceiving with the Scale
To exaggerate a difference between means, graphmakers sometimes compress the rating scale that they show on their graphs. When possible, label the axis beginning with 0, and when displaying percentages, include all values up to 100%.

Liars’ Alert! The small differences among the students with no tattoos, one tattoo, and two or three tattoos could be exaggerated if a reporter wanted to scare parents. Compare Figure 3-12 to the first three bars of Figure 3-11. Notice what happens when the fourth bar for four or more tattoos is eliminated: The values on the y-axis do not begin at 0, the intervals change from 10 to 2, and the y-axis ends at 20%. The exact same data leave a very different impression. (Note: If the data are very far from 0, and it does not make sense to have the axis go down to 0, indicate this on the graph by including double slashes—called cut marks—like those shown in Figure 3-12.)

Here is a recap of the steps to create a bar graph. The critical choice for you, the graph creator, is in step 2.

  1. Label the x-axis with the name and levels (i.e., categories) of the nominal or ordinal independent variable.

  2. Label the y-axis with the name of the scale dependent variable and its possible values, starting with 0 if practical.

  3. For every level of the independent variable, draw a bar with the height of that level’s value on the dependent variable.

Tufte (2001) has a plan for better bar graphs. In Figure 3-13, Tufte (a) eliminated the vertical axis; (b) kept the data labels on the y-axis; and (c) replaced the horizontal tick marks with thin white lines through the bars—another increase in the data–ink ratio.

Figure 3.13: FIGURE 3-13
Redesigning the Bar Graph
Tufte (2001/2006b) suggests eliminating the frame and the y-axis, as well as adding thin white lines through the bars. These changes make this bar graph easier to read and increases the data–ink ratio.

Pictorial Graphs

  • A pictorial graph is a visual depiction of data typically used for an independent variable with very few levels (categories) and a scale dependent variable. Each level uses a picture or symbol to represent its value on the scale dependent variable.

Occasionally, a pictorial graph is acceptable, but such a graph should be used sparingly and only if carefully created. A pictorial graph is a visual depiction of data typically used for an independent variable with very few levels (categories) and a scale dependent variable. Each level uses a picture or symbol to represent its value on the scale dependent variable. Eye-catching pictorial graphs are far more common in the popular media than in research journals. They tend to direct attention to the clever artwork rather than to the story that the data tell.

For example, a graphmaker might use stylized drawings of people to indicate population size. Figure 3-14 demonstrates one problem with pictorial graphs. The picture makes the person three times as tall and three times as wide (so that the taller person won’t look so stretched out). But then the total area of the picture is about nine times larger than the shorter one, even though the population is only three times as big—a false impression.

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Figure 3.14: FIGURE 3-14
Distorting the Data with Pictures
In a pictorial graph, tripling the height of a picture is often coupled with tripling the width—which is multiplying by 3 twice. Instead of being three times as big, the picture is nine times as big!

Pie Charts

  • A pie chart is a graph in the shape of a circle, with a slice for every level (category) of the independent variable. The size of each slice represents the proportion (or percentage) of each level.

A pie chart is a graph in the shape of a circle, with a slice for every level (category) of the independent variable. The size of each slice represents the proportion (or percentage) of each category. A pie chart’s slices should always add up to 100% (or 1.00, if using proportions). Figure 3-15 demonstrates the difficulty in making comparisons from a pair of pie charts. As suggested by this graph, data can almost always be presented more clearly in a table or bar graph than in a pie chart. Indeed, Tufte (2006b) bluntly advises: “A table is nearly always better than a dumb pie chart” (p. 178). Because of the limitations of pie charts and the ready alternatives, we do not outline the steps for creating a pie chart here.

Figure 3.15: FIGURE 3-15
The Perils of a Pie Chart
Pie charts make it difficult to make comparisons. It takes some effort to determine that 6% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats would be most upset if their children had a farm animal in their dorm rooms. It would be far easier to make this comparison from a bar graph.
Data from http://www.vanityfair.com/magazine/2013/05/60-minutes-poll-college-locations
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Reviewing the Concepts
  • Scatterplots and line graphs allow us to see relations between two scale variables.

  • When examining the relations between variables, it is important to consider linear and nonlinear relations, as well as the possibility that no relation is present.

  • Bar graphs, pictorial graphs, and pie charts depict summary values (such as means or percentages) on a scale variable for various levels of a nominal or ordinal variable.

  • Bar graphs are preferred; pictorial graphs and pie charts can be misleading.

Clarifying the Concepts 3-4 How are scatterplots and line graphs similar?
3-5 Why should we typically avoid using pictorial graphs and pie charts?
Calculating the Statistics 3-6 What type of visual display of data allows us to calculate or evaluate how a variable changes over time?
Applying the Concepts 3-7 What is the best type of common graph to depict each of the following data sets and research questions? Explain your answers.
  1. Depression severity and amount of stress for 150 university students. Is depression related to stress level?

  2. Number of inpatient mental health facilities in Canada as measured every 10 years between 1890 and 2000. Has the number of facilities declined in recent years?

  3. Number of siblings reported by 100 people. What size family is most common?

  4. Mean years of education for six regions of the United States. Are education levels higher in some regions than in others?

  5. Calories consumed in a day and hours slept that night for 85 people. Does the amount of food a person eats predict how long he or she sleeps at night?

Solutions to these Check Your Learning questions can be found in Appendix D.