The site of a polypeptide’s function in the cell may be far away from its point of synthesis at the ribosome. This is especially true for eukaryotes, where a polypeptide may be moved into an organelle. Furthermore, polypeptides are often modified by the addition of new chemical groups that contribute to the function of the mature protein. In this section we examine these posttranslational aspects of protein synthesis.
Protein synthesis always begins on free ribosomes floating in the cytoplasm, and the “default” location for a protein is the cytosol. As the polypeptide chain emerges from the ribosome it may simply fold into its three-dimensional shape and perform its cellular role in the cytosol. However, a newly formed polypeptide may contain a signal sequence (or signal peptide)—a short stretch of amino acids that indicates where in the cell the polypeptide belongs. Proteins destined for different locations have different signals.
In the absence of a signal sequence, the protein will remain in the same cellular compartment where it was synthesized. Some proteins, however, contain signal sequences that “target” them to the nucleus, mitochondria, plastids, or peroxisomes (FIGURE 10.19, LEFT). A signal sequence binds to a specific receptor protein at the surface of the organelle. Once it has bound, a channel forms in the organelle membrane, allowing the targeted protein to move into the organelle. For example, here is a nuclear localization signal (NLS):
The function of the NLS was established using experiments like the one illustrated in FIGURE 10.20. Proteins with or without this peptide were introduced into cells and then located by labeling the proteins with fluorescent dyes. Only proteins with the nuclear localization signal were found in the nucleus.
A nuclear localization signal is necessary for importing a protein into the cell nucleus.
An NLS is essential for nuclear protein import and will direct a normally cytoplasmic protein to the nucleus.
a C. Dingwall et al. 1988. Journal of Cell Biology 107: 841-849.
If a polypeptide carries a particular signal sequence of five to ten hydrophobic amino acids at its N terminus, it will be directed to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) for further processing (FIGURE 10.19, RIGHT AND BOTTOM). Translation will pause, and the ribosome will bind to a receptor at the RER membrane. Once the polypeptide–ribosome complex is bound, translation will resume, and as elongation continues, the protein will traverse the RER membrane. Such proteins may be retained in the lumen (the inside) or membrane of the RER, or they may move elsewhere within the endomembrane system (Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and cell membrane). If the proteins lack specific signals for destinations within the endomembrane system, they are usually secreted from the cell via vesicles that fuse with the cell membrane.
The endomembrane system and its functions are described in Concept 4.3
Most mature proteins are not identical to the polypeptide chains that are translated from mRNA on the ribosomes. Instead, most polypeptides are modified in any of a number of ways after translation (FIGURE 10.21). These modifications are essential to the final functioning of the protein.
How do antibiotics target bacterial protein synthesis?