The following electronic and print supplements are available with The Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics, Fourth Edition:
W. H. Freeman’s new online homework system, LaunchPad, offers our quality content curated and organized for easy assignability in a simple but powerful interface. We have taken what we have learned from thousands of instructors and hundreds of thousands of students to create a new generation of W. H. Freeman/Macmillan technology.
Curated units. Combining a curated collection of videos, homework sets, tutorials, applets, and e-Book content, LaunchPad’s interactive units give instructors a building block to use as-is or as a starting point for customized learning units. A majority of exercises from the text can be assigned as online homework, including an abundance of algorithmic exercises. An entire unit’s worth of work can be assigned in seconds, drastically reducing the amount of time it takes for instructors to have their course up and running.
Easily customizable. Instructors can customize the LaunchPad units by adding quizzes and other activities from our vast wealth of resources. They can also add a discussion board, a dropbox, and an RSS feed, with a few clicks. LaunchPad allows instructors to customize the student experience as much or as little as desired.
Useful analytics. The gradebook quickly and easily allows instructors to look up performance metrics for classes, individual students, and individual assignments.
Intuitive interface and design. The student experience is simplified. Students’ navigation options and expectations are clearly laid out, ensuring they never get lost in the system.
Assets integrated into LaunchPad include the following:
Interactive e-Book Every LaunchPad e-Book comes with powerful study tools for students, video and multimedia content, and easy customization for instructors. Students can search, highlight, and bookmark, making it easier to study and access key content. And teachers can ensure that their classes get just the book they want to deliver: customizing and rearranging chapters; adding and sharing notes and discussions; and linking to quizzes, activities, and other resources.
LearningCurve provides students and instructors with powerful adaptive quizzing, a game-like format, direct links to the e-Book, and instant feedback. The quizzing system features questions tailored specifically to the text and adapts to students’ responses, providing material at different difficulty levels and topics based on student performance.
SolutionMaster offers an easy-to-use Web-based version of the instructor’s solutions, allowing instructors to generate a solution file for any set of homework exercises.
Statistical Video Series consists of StatClips, StatClips Examples, and Statistically Speaking “Snapshots.” View animated lecture videos, whiteboard lessons, and documentary-style footage that illustrate key statistical concepts and help students visualize statistics in real-world scenarios.
NEW Video Technology Manuals available for TI-83/84 calculators, Minitab, Excel, JMP, SPSS (an IBM Company),* R (with and without Rcmdr), and CrunchIt!® provide 50 to 60 brief videos for using each specific statistical software in conjunction with a variety of topics from the textbook.
NEW StatBoards videos are brief whiteboard videos that illustrate difficult topics through additional examples, written and explained by a select group of statistics educators.
UPDATED StatTutor Tutorials offer multimedia tutorials that explore important concepts and procedures in a presentation that combines video, audio, and interactive features. The newly revised format includes built-in, assignable assessments and a bright new interface.
UPDATED Statistical Applets give students hands-on opportunities to familiarize themselves with important statistical concepts and procedures, in an interactive setting that allows them to manipulate variables and see the results graphically. Icons in the textbook indicate when an applet is available for the material being covered.
CrunchIt!® is W. H. Freeman’s Web-based statistical software that allows users to perform all the statistical operations and graphing needed for an introductory business statistics course and more. It saves users time by automatically loading data from PSBE, and it provides the flexibility to edit and import additional data.
JMP Student Edition (developed by SAS) is easy to learn and contains all the capabilities required for introductory business statistics. JMP is the leading commercial data analysis software of choice for scientists, engineers, and analysts at companies throughout the world (for Windows and Mac).
Stats@Work Simulations put students in the role of the statistical consultant, helping them better understand statistics interactively within the context of real-life scenarios.
EESEE Case Studies (Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises), developed by The Ohio State University Statistics Department, teach students to apply their statistical skills by exploring actual case studies using real data.
Data files are available in JMP, ASCII, Excel, TI, Minitab, SPSS, R, and CSV formats.
Student Solutions Manual provides solutions to the odd-numbered exercises in the text.
Instructor’s Guide with Full Solutions includes worked out solutions to all exercises, teaching suggestions, and chapter comments.
*SPSS was acquired by IBM in October 2009.
Test bank offers hundreds of multiple-choice questions and is available in Launch-Pad. The test bank is also available at the website (user registration as an instructor required) for Windows and Mac, where questions can be downloaded, edited, and resequenced to suit each instructor’s needs.
Lecture slides offer a detailed lecture presentation of statistical concepts covered in each chapter of PSBE.
Additional Resources Available with PSBE, 4e
Website This open-access website includes statistical applets, data files, and companion Chapters 15, 16, and 17. Instructor access to the website requires user registration as an instructor and features all the open-access student Web materials, plus
Special Software Packages Student versions of JMP and Minitab are available for packaging with the text. JMP is available inside LaunchPad at no additional cost. Contact your W. H. Freeman representative for information, or visit
i-clicker is a two-way radio-frequency classroom response solution developed by educators for educators. Each step of i-clicker’s development has been informed by teaching and learning. To learn more about packaging i-clicker with this textbook, please contact your local sales rep, or visit