The most commonly used statistical methods for inference ultimately rely on certain distributional assumptions. In regression, it is assumed that the residual variation is Normal. In testing of means, if data are not Normal, there is a presumption that sample sizes are large enough to allow for appropriate application of t-tests and F-tests. In addition, it is assumed that the values taken on by the response variables have clear numerical interpretation.
In practice, of course, no distribution is exactly Normal. Fortunately, our usual methods for inference about population means (the one-sample and two-sample t procedures and analysis of variance) are quite robust. That is, the results of inference are not very sensitive to moderate lack of Normality, especially when the samples are reasonably large. Some practical guidelines for taking advantage of the robustness of these methods appear in Chapter 7. But, with this said, there are applications where the adequacy of standard methods can be seriously challenged:
What can we do if plots suggest that the population distribution is clearly not Normal, especially when we have only a few observations? This is not a simple question. Here are the basic options:
This chapter concerns rank tests that are designed to replace the t tests and one-way analysis of variance when the Normality conditions for those tests are not met. Figure 16.1 presents an outline of the standard tests (based on Normal distributions) and the rank tests that compete with them.
The rank tests we study concern the center of a population or populations. When a population has at least roughly a Normal distribution, we describe its center by the mean. The “Normal tests” in Figure 16.1 test hypotheses about population means. When distributions are strongly skewed, we often prefer the median to the mean as a measure of center. In simplest form, the hypotheses for rank tests just replace mean by median.
We devote a section of this chapter to each of the rank procedures. Section 16.1, which discusses the most common of these tests, also contains general information about rank tests. The kind of assumptions required, the nature of the hypotheses tested, the big idea of using ranks, and the contrast between exact distributions for use with small samples and approximations for use with larger samples are common to all rank tests. Sections 16.2 and 16.3 more briefly describe other rank tests.