Introduction to Drafting

Drafting is writing. It can begin as soon as you start brainstorming ideas, but the bulk of drafting occurs after you have settled on a thesis statement. Drafting is covered here to include

No matter how good a first draft is, writers should always be prepared to revise and to edit their writing later, especially after getting feedback from instructors, writing tutors, or peers.


This video explains strategies for outlining, drafting, and developing your paper.


The study pages include more in-depth information about the various elements of drafting. They also include detailed examples of different types of topic sentences, transitions, introductions, and conclusions, and they explain ways to develop supporting details depending on the purpose of your paper. Finally, they provide guidelines on creating a special type of assignment: the stand-alone paragraph. Read through the study pages before taking the post-test.

LearningCurve is not included in this unit.

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