Question Impact

In addition to considering question type, interviewers must also consider that the way in which a question is constructed can directly influence the interviewee’s response. A good question is clear, relevant, and unbiased. To create clear questions, consider the following criteria:

Even neutral questions can become leading questions if you fail to consider nonverbal communication (Chapter 4). If you grimace, roll your eyes, or change your tone of voice when you ask the neutral question “What, if anything, is your attitude toward fraternities and sororities on this campus?” you are actually asking a leading question (and letting others know your attitude toward the Greek system on campus).

Speaking of ethics, competent interviewers should use questions that are straightforward and avoid hidden agendas. Directed questions suggest or imply an answer. If the direction is subtle (“Wouldn’t it be so much fun if we all got together to paint my apartment this weekend?”), it is termed a leading question. Other directed questions are bolder in their biasing effect and are called loaded questions (“When was the last time you cheated on an exam?” assumes, of course, that you have cheated). Questions that provide no hint to the interviewee concerning the expected response are neutral questions—for example, “What is your opinion of the administration on this campus?” (See Table A.3 for more examples of directed questions.)

Table :


Question Behavior Definition Example
Leading Questions that subtly direct interviewees to the correct or desired answer “Do you take home office supplies like most employees?”
Loaded Extremely leading questions that almost dictate the correct answer; to be avoided in most cases “When was the last time you took home supplies from the office?”
Neutral Questions that allow respondents to choose their answers without pressure from the interviewer’s wording “Do you think the office should provide you with supplies to work at home?”


