key terms
key concepts
What Is Communication?
The message is the basic unit of communication. We exchange messages during interactions with others, contexts shape how we create and interpret messages, and messages are conveyed through a variety of channels and media.
The linear communication model describes the components necessary for communication to occur. The interactive communication model adds feedback and fields of experience. The transactional communication model presents the notion that communication participants collaboratively create meaning.
What Is Interpersonal Communication?
Dyadic communication allows us to distinguish interpersonal communication from intrapersonal communication.
Interpersonal communication changes, and is changed by, participants’ emotions, thoughts, behavior, and relationships.
Interpersonal communication is characterized by four principles: it has content and relationship information, it can be intentional or unintentional, it’s irreversible, and it’s dynamic. It can be used for fulfilling a hierarchy of needs and pursuing self-presentation, instrumental, and relationship goals.
What Is Interpersonal Communication Competence?
Interpersonal communication competence means communicating with others in ways that are appropriate, effective, and ethical.
People use self-monitoring to observe and judge the appropriateness of their communication as it relates to norms.
People who demonstrate effectiveness in achieving their interpersonal goals are interpersonally competent.
For competent online communication, choose your medium wisely, don’t assume online communication is always more efficient, presume your posts are public, remember that your posts are permanent, and practice the art of creating drafts.
Issues in Interpersonal Communication
Relevant topics include culture, gender and sexual orientation, online communication, and the dark side of interpersonal relationships.