The following example of cause-
Christopher Shea
In Praise of Peer Pressure
How can peer pressue have positive results?
The following words are italicized in the essay: peer pressure, conserve, consumption, herd, intensifying, activists, oblivion, productive, insights, quirks, psyche, immobilize, irreplaceable, heritage, symbolically, compliance, manipulate, coincidentally, and scrupulous. If you do not know their meanings, look them up in a dictionary or online.
Peer pressure gets bad press, but in some cases more of it might make the world a better place. In California, psychologists recently found that they could get people to conserve electricity with a simple notice, delivered to their doorstep, telling them how their consumption compared with the neighborhood average. In the weeks that followed, homeowners who were consuming more electricity than their neighbors cut back — presumably because they were embarrassed to be out of step with the herd.
PAUSE: What is social-
The research, reported in Psychological Science, reflects growing interest in what’s known as “social-
“The norm is like a magnet,” says Robert Cialdini, a professor at Arizona State University who is an author of the new study. “What’s appropriate to do, in most people’s minds, is what other people like them do.”
PAUSE: Why would supermarket managers want to think about this?
The social-
Cialdini’s work tends to focus on the environment. In a paper from 2003, he identified a problem with signs in the Petrified Forest National Park, in Arizona, intended to discourage the theft of ancient, irreplaceable wood. The signs sternly warned that America’s “heritage” was being “vandalized” by “theft losses of petrified wood of 14 tons a year.”
That sent the message that pocketing souvenirs was the norm for tourists, Cialdini argues. In an on-
In another experiment, Cialdini has shown that hotels will have more success encouraging their clients to reuse towels if they alter the wording of their appeals. “Join your fellow guests in helping to save the environment: A majority of our guests use their towels more than once” works better than any other approach.
PAUSE: Can you think of an example of a positive effect of peer pressure?
In Minnesota, a study by the Department of Revenue found that informing taxpayers that most people don’t cheat on their taxes improved tax compliance more than stressing the link between taxes and popular public programs.
The field is still in flux: The effects of peer pressure remain hard to measure and hard to manipulate — yet the tug of the herd mindset is everywhere. Coincidentally, I recently came across a survey that found that 80 percent of adult males in the United States have six or fewer drinks in a week. I was taken aback, assuming the average was higher. I skipped wine with dinner a few times that week.
PAUSE: What is he going to think about?
Later that same week, I read in an economics journal that freelance businessmen — I’m a freelancer — report only about 60 percent of their income, according to IRS estimates. Yet I’m scrupulous to the penny. Do I want to remain abnormal? Does anyone? I filed for an extension, so I’ve got some time to think about it.
In your own words, describe the effects of peer pressure that Shea presents.
Describe some effects of peer pressure that you have experienced or observed.
Do you think peer pressure is a good thing? How can it be negative?
Does Shea’s essay have the Four Basics of Good Cause and Effect (“Understand What Cause and Effect Are”)? Why or why not?
Which of the essays in this chapter do you think is the best model of cause-