Narration in College

A student wrote the following essay for a college writing course. The assignment was “Write an essay describing an important decision in your life.”

Jordan Brown

A Return to Education


  • Preview
  • Read
  • Pause
  • Review

(See “Critical Reading” in Chapter 1)


How does Jordan feel about his return to college?


The following words are italicized in the essay: anticipation, stamina. If you do not know their meanings, look them up in a dictionary or online.


For me, college has been an experience marked by anticipation, fear, and pride. I sometimes find myself still surprised that I am really here. The journey to get here has been a long one, but if I can put my fears behind me, I believe I will be able to accomplish something that I can really be proud of.

PAUSE: Why did Brown join the army? Was it a good decision for him?


Being able to go to college is something that I have been anticipating for many years. Since I left high school and the California Bay Area behind, I have been on the go in one way or another. After graduation, I felt that I wasn’t ready for the commitments or responsibilities of college. Instead, I enlisted in the army. The army provided me with the maturity and self-discipline that I desperately needed in my life; however, being in the army also provided me with very little time or money to go to college, so I put it off until “a later date.”


After the army, I sought a higher-paying job, first becoming a truck driver. This job provided me with money but no time. Now I work for the railroad, and with my apprenticeship behind me, I have some free time for the first time in my life.

PAUSE: How does Brown’s first sentence here relate to the first paragraph? What questions does he have?


What I have been anticipating for years is finally here. I now have the time and money for college, but do I have the ability? It has been eleven years since I last sat in a classroom. This made me question myself: Can I do this? Will I succeed? Will I fail? Am I even capable of learning in a classroom environment? Although I had these questions, I knew that the only way to face my fears was to attack them head-on. I reminded myself that the only thing I could do is try.

PAUSE: Why was Brown nervous?


When I first walked into Front Range Community College, I was nervous. I couldn’t help but notice how young everyone looked. I got to my study skills class, sat down, and looked around. I felt out of place. Most of the people in the class looked as if they had just graduated from high school. When we did our introductions, however, I learned that one of the women sitting across the room had graduated from high school eleven years ago. I started to feel a little younger.

PAUSE: How do the other students help Brown feel better?


When I got to my philosophy class, I watched the other students come in and noticed that not everyone looked like a kid. This class looked very much like an American melting pot, with students of many ages and cultures. As we went around the room introducing ourselves, I felt very much more confident about my decision to try college. Many students were even older than I was. A woman sitting near me, who looked about my mom’s age, said she was in college because all of her kids were in college now. She told us that she wanted a college education and a better job. An older gentleman across the room said that he was a business executive from Germany. His job had become boring, and he was looking for something more challenging. By the end of the introductions, I was convinced that this “college thing” might just work.

PAUSE: How does Brown’s first sentence here relate back to his thesis statement?


Since I have gone back to school, there has been a lot of pride surrounding me. My parents can’t stop talking about me and how proud they are. My family and friends are excited for me and congratulate me on my decision. I am also proud of myself for making the tough decision to go back to school. I know that when I get my degree, I will have something to be truly proud of.

PAUSE: How does Brown tie his conclusion to his introduction?


I still have fears and uncertainties. But I also have positive anticipation and hope. Now, I know that I am on the right course. I know that as long as I have stamina and determination, nothing can stop me from achieving my dream of getting my degree in mechanical engineering.


  • Summarize
  • Analyze
  • Synthesize
  • Evaluate

(More in “The Writing Process” in Chapter 2)

  1. Question

    Summarize. Briefly summarize Brown’s essay, including his main point and purpose and the major events in his story. What is his point of view?

  2. Question

    Analyze. Does Brown’s support all relate to his main point? Is it logically organized? Does he give you enough details? How do the topic sentences relate specifically to the thesis statement? Did the title give you an idea of what the essay would be about?

  3. Question

    Synthesize. How does Brown’s experience relate to your own or to other things you have thought about, read, or heard?

  4. Question

    Evaluate. Does Brown achieve his purpose? Does his essay have the Four Basics of Good Narration (see “Understand What Narration Is”)? What do you think of his essay, and why?

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