The following is part of a report that Luz Medina wrote when she served as a student representative to the Division of Student Affairs at her college. Her job was to survey some other students and present a list of suggestions for new services that would help students.
What does Luz Medina learn from her interviews?
To: Vice President, Student Affairs
Fr: Luz Medina
Re: Suggestions for student services
PAUSE: How is the first sentence linked to the thesis statement?
To complete this report, I interviewed twenty-
PAUSE: What is Medina’s purpose? Who is her audience?
To my surprise, most of the students I interviewed were not aware of the many programs that are already available to them. For example, several of the students said that they did not know what to do if they were thinking about dropping out. I told them about our Succeeding Together program and gave them the Web site that lists the people and services that are designed just for these situations. I encouraged them to go to these sites for help, telling them that the college works hard to help keep students from dropping out.
PAUSE: What examples does Medina give of her topic sentence?
Another area in which we have many services that students do not know about is in preparing for a job search. Most students knew that there is an office of career planning, but they thought it just posted job announcements. They did not know about great programs like the Virtual Job Fair or the many mini-
There were many other services students did not know about. Although they are listed online and we offer an orientation, I think we, as a committee, should figure out how to more successfully let students know what resources they have on this campus.
The students offered some good suggestions for new services. One is that we devise an instant-
PAUSE: How are paragraphs 6 and 7 related to paragraph 5?
Two other good suggestions regard the problems students often have with transportation and child care. Students suggested that there be a college-
PAUSE: How does Medina tie paragraph 8 to the introductory paragraph?
A final suggestion that two students made was to have professors record their lectures so that they could be downloaded for students who had to miss a class. Students said that they could already get the homework assignments for a missed class, but they had no way to get the lecture material.
Students were surprised that the college already has so many resources, and they gave serious and thoughtful suggestions for new and needed services. I am sorry to report that only five of the twenty-
Summarize. Briefly summarize Medina’s essay (which is itself a summary), including her main point and purpose and the major examples she gives. What is her point of view?
Analyze. Do Medina’s examples all relate to her thesis statement? How do her topic sentences state what the paragraph will be about? What word does she repeat to link the thesis and support?
Synthesize. What is Medina’s conclusion? What do you know about student services at your college? Ask three other students the same question and include them in your response.
Evaluate. Does Medina achieve her purpose? Does her essay have the Four Basics of Good Illustration (see “Understand What Illustration Is”)? What effect did her essay have on you, and why?