1945 | Roosevelt dies; Truman becomes president. |
1946 | Postwar labor unrest affects major industries. President’s Committee on Civil Rights created. George F. Kennan drafts containment policy. United States grants independence to Philippines. Employment Act passes. Republicans gain control of Congress. |
1947 | National Security Act passes. Truman announces Truman Doctrine. United States sends aid to Greece and Turkey. Truman establishes loyalty program. Mendez v. Westminster decided. |
1948 | Marshall Plan approved. Truman orders desegregation of military. American GI Forum founded. United States recognizes Israel. Truman elected president. |
194 | Berlin crisis precipitates airlift drops. |
1949 | Communists take over China. North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed. Soviet Union explodes atomic bomb. Truman approves hydrogen bomb. |
1950 | Senator Joseph McCarthy claims U.S. government harbors Communists. Korean War begins. |
1951 | Truman fires General Douglas MacArthur. U.S. occupation of Japan ends. |
1952 | Dwight D. Eisenhower elected president. |
1953 | Korean War ends. |