Introduction to Chapter 4 | roark7e_ch4_1.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Guided Reading Exercise for Chapter 4 | roark7e_ch4_2.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Puritans and the Settlement of New England
| roark7e_ch4_3.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Puritan Origins: The English Reformation
| roark7e_ch4_4.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
The Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony
| roark7e_ch4_5.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
The Founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony
| roark7e_ch4_6.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Making Historical Arguments: How Did Seventeenth-Century Colonists View Nature?
| roark7e_ch4_7.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Quiz for Making Historical Arguments: How Did Seventeenth-Century Colonists View Nature?
| roark7e_ch4_8.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
The Evolution of New England Society
| roark7e_ch4_9.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Church, Covenant, and Conformity
| roark7e_ch4_10.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Government by Puritans for Puritanism
| roark7e_ch4_11.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
The Splintering of Puritanism
| roark7e_ch4_12.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Religious Controversies and Economic Changes
| roark7e_ch4_13.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Analyzing Historical Evidence: Hunting Witches in Salem, Massachusetts
| roark7e_ch4_14.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
The Founding of the Middle Colonies
| roark7e_ch4_15.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
From New Netherland to New York
| roark7e_ch4_16.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
New Jersey and Pennsylvania
| roark7e_ch4_17.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Toleration and Diversity in Pennsylvania
| roark7e_ch4_18.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
The Colonies and the English Empire
| roark7e_ch4_19.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Royal Regulation of Colonial Trade
| roark7e_ch4_20.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
King Philip’s War and the Consolidation of Royal Authority
| roark7e_ch4_21.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Beyond America’s Borders: New France and the Indians: The English Colonies’ Northern Borderlands
| roark7e_ch4_22.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Quiz for Beyond America’s Borders: New France and the Indians: The English Colonies’ Northern Borderlands
| roark7e_ch4_23.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |
Conclusion: An English Model of Colonization in North America
| roark7e_ch4_24.html | 57b4b5bd757a2ec27c000000 |