The American Promise: Printed Page 351
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 321
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 366
By 1860, one in every three Southerners was black (approximately 4 million blacks to 8 million whites). In the Lower South states of Mississippi and South Carolina, blacks constituted the majority (Figure 13.1). The contrast with the North was striking: In 1860, only one Northerner in seventy-
The presence of large numbers of African Americans had profound consequences for the South. Southern culture—
The American Promise: Printed Page 351
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 321
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 366
Page 352After 1820, attacks on slavery—
Intellectuals joined legislators in the campaign to strengthen slavery. The South’s academics, writers, and clergy employed every imaginable defense. They argued that slaves were legal property, and wasn’t the protection of property the bedrock of American liberty? History also endorsed slavery, they claimed. Weren’t the great civilizations—
George Fitzhugh of Virginia defended slavery by attacking the North’s free-
But at the heart of the defense of slavery lay the claim of black inferiority. Black enslavement was both necessary and proper, slavery’s defenders argued, because Africans were lesser beings. Rather than exploitative, slavery was a mass civilizing effort that lifted lowly blacks from African barbarism and savagery, taught them disciplined work, and converted them to soul-
African slavery encouraged southern whites to unify around race rather than to divide by class. The grubbiest, most tobacco-