The American Promise: Printed Page 863
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 781
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 893
Hidden beneath Lyndon B. Johnson’s landslide victory over Arizona senator Barry Goldwater in 1964 lay a rising conservative movement. Defining his purpose as “enlarging freedom at home and safeguarding it from the forces of tyranny abroad,” Goldwater argued that government intrusions into economic life hindered prosperity, stifled personal responsibility, and interfered with citizens’ rights to determine their own values. Conservatives assailed big government in domestic affairs but demanded a strong military to eradicate “Godless communism.”
The grassroots movement supporting Goldwater’s nomination was especially vigorous in the South and West, and it included middle-
The American Promise: Printed Page 863
The American Promise, Value Edition: Printed Page 781
The American Promise: A Concise History: Printed Page 893
Page 864A number of Sun Belt characteristics made conservatism strong in places such as Orange County, California; Dallas, Texas; and Scottsdale, Arizona. These predominantly white areas contained relatively homogeneous, skilled, and economically comfortable populations, as well as military bases and defense plants. The West harbored a long-
Grassroots movements proliferated around what conservatives believed marked the “moral decline” of their nation. For example, in 1962 Mel and Norma Gabler got the Texas board of education to drop books that they believed undermined “the Christian-
In the 1970s, grassroots protests against taxes grew alongside concerns about morality. As Americans struggled with inflation and unemployment, many found themselves paying higher taxes, especially higher property taxes as the value of their homes increased. Some were incensed to see their taxes fund government programs for people they considered undeserving. In 1978, Californians revolted in a popular referendum, slashing property taxes and limiting the state legislature’s ability to raise other taxes. What a newspaper called a “primal scream by the People against Big Government” spread to other states.
Law and order was yet another rallying cry of the right, reflecting concerns about rising rates of crime, which were due in part to baby boomers maturing into the age group most prone to crime. Conservatives lumped common crime with civil disobedience and antiwar protest into a cry for law and order, and blamed liberals for Great Society programs that had failed to reduce crime, permissive attitudes toward protesters, and Supreme Court decisions that coddled criminals. A Pennsylvania man called “crime, the streets being unsafe, strikes, the trouble with the colored, all this dope-