Quiz for Reading the American Past, Chapter 2
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Choose the best answer to each question.
1. Why was King Afonso concerned about the growing popularity of goods imported by Portuguese traders? (See Document 2-1: The King of the Congo Writes to the King of Portugal)
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2. Why did Christopher Columbus think that the inhabitants of the Caribbean islands would make good servants? (See Document 2-2: Columbus Describes His First Encounter with "Indians")
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3. How did Bernal Díaz del Castillo describe the religious sacrifices of Indians in Tenochtitlán? (See Document 2-3: A Conquistador Arrives in Mexico, 1519-1520)
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4. What had weakened the Mexican warriors prior to the arrival of the Spaniards? (See Document 2-4: A Mexican Description of the Conquest of Mexico)
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5. How did Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca claim to heal the dying Indians? (See Document 2-5: Cabeza de Vaca Describes His Captivity among Native Americans in Texas and the Southwest, 1528-1536)
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6. What sets Bernal Díaz del Castillo's description of Tenochtitlán apart from the description Christopher Columbus offered of the inhabitants of the Caribbean islands? (See Document 2-2: Columbus Describes His First Encounter with "Indians" and See Document 2-3: : A Conquistador Arrives in Mexico, 1519-1520)
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7. Which of the following of Alvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca's criticisms of the Indians he encountered did Mexican Indians also level at the Spaniards in Tenochtitlán? (See Document 2-4: A Mexican Description of the Conquest of Mexico and See Document 2-5: Cabeza de Vaca Describes His Captivity among Native Americans in Texas and the Southwest, 1528-1536)
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