If there is a silver lining to the story of mineral resources—resources that fuel life as we know it, resources that we dig into Earth to access, and fight and even die over—it is this: They are eminently reusable. In fact, the greatest reserves yet of gold and silver and neodymium may not be hidden in some desert canyon but rather sitting in the backs of our own closets and garages, or scattered throughout our landfills as e-waste (electronic waste). An average gold mine produces a mere 5 grams of gold per metric ton of rock—and sometimes less, depending on the local geology. A metric ton of cell phones, on the other hand, might contain nearly 200 grams of the precious metal—plus well over 100 kg of copper, 3 kg of silver, and a smattering of neodymium and other rare earth elements. Likewise for our flat-screen televisions, laptops, and iPads: They all contain a bevy of essential and nonrenewable mineral resources.
Unwanted computers and other electronic devices that are discarded; contains valuable metals that can be recovered but also contains toxic chemicals.
To be sure, metal recycling is already big business in the United States and elsewhere around the world. Indeed, the process of recycling scrap metal from cars and other vehicles, not to mention home appliances, has long been an industry unto itself. And aluminum is so effectively recycled in the United States that, on average, the aluminum in any given beverage can is back on the shelf in 2 months, in another can. INFOGRAPHIC 26.8
Recycling metal products to recover the metals for reuse extends their useful life and reduces the need to obtain the metals from mined ores, decreasing the environmental and health impacts associated with mining and processing the ore. A comparison of the two methods for obtaining aluminum to make a new aluminum can—production from the raw material (bauxite ore) or from recycled aluminum cans—highlights the differences between the two processes.
Why is the energy needed and air/water pollution generated so much less for a recycled aluminum can compared to a can made from aluminum that comes from virgin ore?
The greatest amount of energy used in the process comes from the mining and smelting processes. The same is true for the generation of air and water pollution. Thus, when you take an aluminum can and recycle it into a new can, you avoid all those mining, ore processing, and smelting steps, along with extra transportation steps.
It’s clear from such successes that recycling can supply needed minerals while eliminating (or at least minimizing) the need for destructive mining practices. But for that to work, it has to be done right. And when it comes to waste, that is still not happening. Most of our discarded cell phones, computers, and flat-screen televisions collect dust in the crevices of our homes and offices, only to be discarded in ordinary trash heaps. Or eventually they end up in a developing-world slum, where impoverished workers expose themselves to significant health and safety hazards and contaminate their local environment as they try to extract the various metals contained within the equipment, using the crudest of tools and techniques.
There is, of course, a better way. “Programs similar to the ones we have for plastic recycling, but focused on e-waste, could make a huge difference,” says retired mineralogist Robert Housley. “We need a system whereby discarded electronics are picked up from people’s homes and delivered to facilities specializing in e-recycling—facilities where lawmakers can mandate—and regulators can enforce—proper health and safety standards.”
In other parts of the developed world, an entire industry is being born around this very idea. The growing demand and rising price for elements like indium, gold, and neodymium has made recovering them from hybrid vehicles, electronics, and other products an attractive endeavor—one that several big-name producers such as Honda, Toyota, and Hitachi are pursuing. In fact, thanks to new technology that has made extracting metals from electronics easier and cheaper, Japan has already opened several recycling plants devoted to electronics. (By some estimates, the country has about 300,000 metric tons of rare earth minerals stored in used electronics.) And France is quickly following suit; two new factories are projected to generate roughly 200 metric tons a year of rare earth minerals from recycled magnets, batteries, and fluorescent lamps.
As with any other conservation efforts, though, recycling is only one of the four Rs (see Chapter 7). The other three—refusing, reducing, and reusing—could serve us here as well. “We’ve gone kind of upgrade mad in this country,” Cummings says. “If we used our cell phones and laptops until they naturally expired…we could really make a difference.”
Meanwhile, there’s another R to consider: redesign. Indeed, Hersam and the other Northwestern University researchers are not the only ones trying to replace important minerals with less environmentally taxing, more human rights–friendly substitutes. Ceramics (made from sand) are being substituted for some metals. Fiber-optic cables (also made from sand) are increasingly replacing copper wire. And in cases where there is no substitute, process engineers are redesigning products with an eye toward using less material. Aluminum cans are a good example of this: They are thinner today than in the past. In 1975, a pound of aluminum yielded 27 cans; in 2008, a pound produced 34 cans.
The impacts of mineral mining and processing can be reduced by using safer mining techniques, recycling mineral-containing products, and making manufacturing and consumer choices that reduce mineral use.
But most experts agree that neither recycling nor scientific wizardry will replace all that we dig from Earth. Indeed, mining will be necessary for many lifetimes to come. This is why we need to do it more responsibly, says Cummings. “The key is to minimize the damage as much as possible.” We cannot eliminate the negative environmental impacts of mining, but we can reduce them. That means employing best practices—methods recognized as the most efficient and safest available at the time. More-sensitive sensing equipment, for example, reduces the need for exploratory drilling or digging; and more energy-efficient and cleaner-running mine equipment can dramatically reduce the carbon footprint. For his part, Cummings would also like to see would-be miners avoid sensitive ecosystems, like coastal estuaries where many aquatic organisms come to spawn, or streams that house rare, endemic species. The proposed Pebble Mine near Alaska’s Bristol Bay, for example, cuts dangerously close to the path traced by wild salmon on their way to inland freshwater streams. “In cases like that, we really have to weigh as a society what our priorities are,” he says. INFOGRAPHIC 26.9
Different choices made by miners, manufacturers, and consumers can reduce the impact of acquiring and processing mineral resources. Some methods reduce overall use (conservation and redesign), while other methods (recycling and use of best practices) reduce the need for, or impact of, mining and processing.
Which of the suggestions listed in this infographic focus on conservation of mineral resources, and which focus on the reuse of mineral resources already in the market?
The use of best practices, consumer conservation and the redesign of products to use fewer mineral resources all can help conserve mineral resources through less waste and lower demand. It is easy to see that the recycling of products focuses on re-using mineral resources already in use but the redesign of products to make them easier to recycle and to use recycled mineral resources are also important steps in allowing us to generate and use those recycled products.
Today, Mountain Pass is creaking back to life with a $1 billion makeover that the mine’s operators have dubbed Project Phoenix. Mining resumed in 2012, with an annual production capacity estimated at around 19,000 metric tons once it is fully operational. This time around, they say, things will be different. The new facility will recycle wastewater, along with most of the chemicals used to pry the rare earth minerals from their rock substrates; that means no more long, winding, leaking pipes and no more evaporation ponds. So far, critics are optimistic: On one recent tour of the facility, Housley stood on a steel walkway, overlooking a pit that ran at least 152 meters (500 feet) deep, as the mine’s lead geologist pointed out some of the company’s latest environmental safeguards. “They seemed much more on top of their game,” Housley said later. “They may finally get it right this time around.” Meanwhile, back at Northwestern, scientists are betting that environmental sustainability will rank high among those priorities—and that developing smart alternatives now will help us avoid having to scour Earth for minerals like indium later—digging, grinding, smelting, and polluting as we go.
Select References:
Gordon, R. B., et al. (2006). Metal stocks and sustainability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103: 1209–1214.
Long, K. R., et al. (2010). The principal rare earth elements deposits of the United States—A summary of domestic deposits and a global perspective. U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5220.
Paul, J., & Campbell, G. (2011). Investigating Rare Earth Element Mine Development in EPA Region 8 and Potential Environmental Impacts. EPA Document 908R11003.
While mining is necessary to extract many of the minerals and metals needed for constructing the technology that runs our society, we can take action to minimize the negative environmental and health impacts.
Individual Steps
•Help recycle the rare earth minerals in your electronic goods when they become obsolete. Find a local vendor or electronics recycling event at www.earth911.com/recycling-center-search-guides.
•Donate your old computers to a charity such as InterConnection, a Seattle-based organization that refurbishes old computers and donates them to nonprofit groups.
Group Action
•Organize a campus or citywide initiative to commit to purchasing electronics from manufacturers that make an effort to get their minerals from conflict-free sources. Find a list of company rankings at www.raisehopeforcongo.org/companyrankings.
•Sponsor a collection event or permanent site on campus or in your community to collect used cell phones for Cell Phones for Soldiers, a nonprofit organization that provides free phones to veterans and active-duty military members.
Policy Change
•The U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) is charged with overseeing mine safety. Go to www.msha.gov/regsinfo.htm and research proposed policies or rules. For example, a device known as a personal dust monitor can tell coal miners exactly how much dust they are being exposed to, helping them moderate their risk of contracting black lung disease. These devices have been available for years but have never been made mandatory by the MSHA. Proposals for limiting allowable dust in a mine have also been drafted but never implemented. Contact the MSHA and the White House regarding the delay in passing these safety measures.