Chapter Specifics

image In Chapters 10 through 15, we studied methods for summarizing large amounts of data to help us see what the data are telling us. In this chapter, we discussed numbers that summarize large amounts of data on consumers to help us see what these data are telling us about the costs of goods and services. Because these index numbers, in particular the CPI, are used by the government and media to describe the cost of living, understanding how they are computed and what they represent will help us be better-informed citizens.

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CASE STUDY EVALUATED The average CPI for 1931 was 15.2. The average CPI for 1976 and 2005 can be found in Table 16.1. Use what you have learned in this chapter to convert Babe Ruth’s 1931 salary and Hank Aaron’s 1976 salary, given in the Case Study at the beginning of this chapter, to 2005 dollars. Who had the largest salary in terms of 2005 dollars: Bonds, Aaron, or Ruth?

image Online Resources

  • The StatBoards video Fixed Market Basket Price Indexes computes price indexes for several examples.

  • The StatBoards video Using the CPI compares current prices with historical prices in several examples.

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