Choose an event to write about.

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To make a compelling story, the event you choose to write about should

Make a list of events that fit the bill. If you’re like most people, you may have trouble coming up with events to write about. To get your juices flowing, try the following:

If you need more ideas, the following may give you a jumping-off point:


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After you have made a tentative choice, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Will I be able to reconstruct enough of the story and describe the place and people in vivid detail to make my story dramatic and create a dominant impression?
  • Do I feel drawn toward understanding what this event meant to me then and what it means to me now? (You may not yet know what the significance of the event is, but you should feel compelled to explore it.)
  • Do I feel comfortable writing about this event for my instructor and classmates? This isn’t a diary entry, after all. You are going to share your writing with others and should be comfortable doing so.

If you lose confidence in your choice, return to your list and choose another event.